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  A sad carrot is thinking
  about its life.
  I am so beautiful. Please
  give me a sofa.
  Mum, hug me, I don?蒺t want
  to leave you forever.
  Oh, my god!What are you
  going to do with me?
  I am a big foot with leaves.
  But where is another foot?
  Should I say very good
  or berry good?
  Yeah~~~, I win the game!
  I am the winner!!Yeah~~~
  Help!A man forgets his
  head here!
  I am the king. See how
  strong I am!
Fair Daffodils, we weep to see  You haste away so soon;  As yet the early?rising sun  Has not attaind his noon.  Stay, stay,  Until the hasting day  Has run  But to the even?song;  And, having prayd t
语篇导读  对足球迷来说,每四年一次的世界杯就是一次足球狂欢的盛宴。2018年俄罗斯世界杯已经结束,那么你知道下一届世界杯是什么时候在哪儿召开吗?还会不会一如既往地在炎热的夏天召开呢?  FIFA president Gianni Infantino announced the 2022 Qatar World Cup would take place from November 21 to De
语篇导读  足球,有“世界第一运动”的美誉,是全球体育界最具影响力的单项体育运动。世界上许多城市的人对足球这项运动有着与生俱来、深入骨髓的热情。今天,跟大家一起分享一下世界四大足球名城。  Milan  Milan is a shrine of art. And there is the largest Gothic cathedral in Italy and one of the worlds
Princess Louisa Inlet, a fjord(峡湾) located 60 miles from Vancouver, Canada, is a stretch of wilderness. Accessible only by boat or plane, the 6?kilometer?long area is popular with outdoor enthusiasts.
Up with me! Up with me into the clouds  For thy song, Lark, is strong  Up with me! Up with me into the clouds  Singing, singing  With clouds and sky about thee ringing  Lift me, guide me till I find  
如果你当不了山巅的一棵劲松,  就做山谷里的一棵灌木——  但一定要做溪边最棒的一棵;  如果你当不了一棵树,就做一棵灌木,  如果你当不了一棵灌木,就做一棵小草,  给路边带去更多欢笑;  我们不能全当船长,那就做船员吧,  但我们每个人都有事可做。  有大事去做,  有小事去做,  我们必须着眼于眼前。  如果你当不了大道,就做一条小径,  如果你当不了太阳,就做一颗星星;  勝负不在于大小—
I. 阅读理解  As an adult, I realized that I had no skills, so I went to a trade school. I entered a cabinetmaking (家具制造) program. I didnt think I would be good at building furniture. Im not handy. Nobody
“旅行者2号”探测器带着人类的梦想已离开太阳系进行宇宙探索。不过,此前飞船疑似出现故障,并自动触发了保护程序,工程师们正在努力使飞船恢复到正常运行状态。  NASAs twin Voyager probes(航天探测器) have been on a mission of exploration for decades, and theyve performed admirably. Both p
辩诉交易,是美国刑事司法中最具特色的制度之一,也是美国法律文化中不可或缺的组成部分。它以追求实体公正与诉讼效率的平衡为核心价值而受到世界范围内的广泛推崇,但美国电影《罗曼先生你好》却给这项制度泼了一盆冷水。  由著名影星丹泽尔·华盛顿主演的罗曼先生是一个不善于出庭应答,习惯于将幕后工作做到极致的律师,当他的搭档威廉得心臟病住院后,他不得不接替威廉,从幕后走到前台,去直面当事人和司法当局。为了生存,
无比信任武玉芽的南越总统阮文绍  8月7日是越南人民军传奇将军武玉芽逝世纪念日。这位越军情报界的功勋人物于2002年离世,此后越军每年都会举行纪念他的活动。今年适逢越南战争结束45周年,越南《青年报》详述了“谍战奇才”武玉芽的传奇经历:他1955年奔赴南越敌后,一直战斗到1975年4月30日美国支持的南越政权崩溃,为越南民族解放事业作出巨大贡献,其才智与勇气不输任何一个西方著名间谍。乘船南下  武