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  I. 阅读理解
  As an adult, I realized that I had no skills, so I went to a trade school. I entered a cabinetmaking (家具制造) program. I didnt think I would be good at building furniture. Im not handy. Nobody in my family is.
  I had great teachers, but making furniture is hard. There are so many steps and something can go wrong at each one. I couldnt even get organized. My toolbox always looked like a hurricane had gone through it.
  I didnt fully know what I was devoting myself to at the beginning, but I kept going to class. I tried to wrap my brain around the math. The projects forced me to solve new kinds of problems. My brain started to build new connections. Working in this new physical manner and giving it 100 percent of my effort had huge benefits for my mental health. I got over the fear of embarrassment and asked for help at every opportunity.
  I spent that year truly learning. True learning is a humbling (令人谦卑的) experience, especially for those of us who are learning a new set of skills. I could understand exactly what was wrong with the furniture I made, but I couldnt fix my mistakes. And yet, I kept trying, only to fail and fail again until I learned to learn from failure.
  Youre going to be bad at anything when you start out, but I was pretty bad right to the end. Even so, I finished the program—with honors! My grades were helped by my good written work. Having to constantly push beyond my comfort zone has made me a better?rounded person. Maybe most importantly, the trade school gave me a more realistic idea of my strengths and limitations. Im stronger than I thought!
  1. Why did the author sign up for the cabinetmaking program?
   A. To make more friends.
   B. To become a smart designer.
   C. To get more organized.
   D. To develop new skills.
  2. What can we know about the author?
   A. He had a gift for making furniture.
   B. He became stronger both mentally and physically after the program.
  C. The biggest challenge for him is to know how to correct mistakes.
   D. He finished the program with honors be?cause of his excellent skills in the end.
  3. Which words can best describe the author during the one?year learning?
   A. Hard?working and confident.
   B. Devoted and determined.
   C. Intelligent and creative.
   D. Modest and independent.
  4. What does the author want to convey?    A. Practice makes perfect.
   B. Never too late to learn.
   C. Learning is more than a skill.
   D. Skills will never be a burden.
  Ⅱ. 补全信息
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