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早在1728年,就有一支四轮马车运输队在西班牙各城市之间往来穿梭.经过200多年的风风雨雨,昔日的马车队已发展成为以陆、空运输为主,兼营旅游、酒店、食品、贸易等行业的多元化企业集团——这就是名冠欧洲、享誉全球的西班牙阿尔莎集团.它是欧洲两个最大的跨国运输集团之一,运输线路遍及欧洲各国100多个城市,在伦敦、柏林、巴黎、法兰克福、格但斯克、威尼斯、佛罗伦萨、罗马、贝尔格莱德、伊斯坦布尔、莫斯科等城市,阿尔莎的豪华大巴几乎随处可见.1984年初,李先念主席访问西班牙,向西班牙工商业界的企业家们介绍了中国改革开放的政策及大好形势,并热忱邀请他们来中国考察、投资.属于被会见之列的阿尔莎集团总裁高斯曼先生听完李主席的介绍后,心潮起伏,思绪万千.于是同年4月,讲求实干的高斯曼先生即亲率集团有关人士来到中国改革开放的“窗口”——深圳,当看到深圳现代化建设方兴未艾,人民吃苦耐劳,干劲十足,乐观向上,对前途充满信心的情景,高斯曼先生无比激动:中国——一条觉醒的东方巨龙,一个重新焕发生机的古老的国度,在21世纪亚太经济的腾飞中,作用将不可估量!高斯曼先生深知,任何一个国家、一个地区的现代化建设都离不开与之配套的完善的基础设施,而是否拥有一个方便畅达的交通运输环境,则是其 As early as in 1728, there was a four-wheeler carriage that shuttled between cities in Spain. After more than 200 years of ups and downs, the former horse carriage team has grown into a land- and air-based transporter, catering to hotels and tourism. Diversified enterprise groups in the food, food and trade industries - this is the world-renowned Alsa Group in Spain. It is one of the two largest multinational transport groups in Europe and has transportation routes in over 100 European cities. Arsha’s luxury buses are almost everywhere in London, Berlin, Paris, Frankfurt, Gdansk, Venice, Florence, Rome, Belgrade, Istanbul, Moscow and other cities. In early 1984, Chairman Li Xiannian visited Spain to Spain’s business and industry companies. They introduced China’s policy of reform and opening up and the excellent situation. They warmly invited them to come to China for inspections and investments. Mr. Gossman, president of Arsha Group, who was interviewed, listened to Chairman Lee’s introduction, the ups and downs, thoughts and thoughts. Therefore, in April of the same year, Mr. Gossman, who insisted on doing a good job, came to China to open the reforms. The “window”—Shenzhen, when we see Shenzhen’s modernization construction unfolding, the people are hard working, full of energy, optimistic, and confident about the future, Mr. Gaussmann is very excited: China—a wake-up Oriental Dragon, a The rejuvenated ancient country will play an inestimable role in the ups and downs of the Asia-Pacific economy in the 21st century. Mr. Gossman knows very well that the modernization of any country or region is inseparable from its complete infrastructure. And whether or not you have a convenient transportation environment is
维护职工的合法权益,是法律赋予工会的一项基本职责,也是工会生存发展的根本。但在不少企业,工会在维护相对处在弱势地位的职工权益时,步履艰难。 To safeguard the lawful
我最早知道莊信万丰是从电视台里播出的“金融一瞥”开始的。那里堆砌的金条全是国际名牌,其中之一就是J.M牌,这就是莊信万丰两个英文字JOHNSON MATTHEY的打头字母缩写。在
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