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改革开放以来,企业由集体型、依赖型、计划型、保障型、补贴型转变成自由型、竞争型、命运型、保守型、自生自灭型。有些企业不能顺利发展,其根本原因是:①为改革勤策勤力、献计献策的人少,拉后腿的人多;②改革中没有很好的利用人材;③个人主义的多,集体主义的少;④金融的混乱,企业无法掌握自己的命运;⑤企业的信用差;⑥市场的混乱使企业无法掌握经营规律;⑦法律制度不健全;⑧法的发挥作用不强;⑨扬恶隐善;⑩假多真少;(11)费用多;(12)人材不才、不材大才。 Since the reform and opening up, enterprises have changed from collective, dependent, planned, guaranteed, and subsidized to free, competitive, destined, conservative, and self-destructive. Some enterprises are unable to develop smoothly. The basic reasons are: 1 There are few people who are diligent in making changes, offer advice and offer advice, and there are many people who are behind; 2 There is no good use of talent in the reform; 3 There are many individualism, collectivism Less; 4 financial chaos, companies can not control their own destiny; 5 corporate credit is bad; 6 market confusion so that companies can not grasp the operating rules; 7 the legal system is not perfect; 8 law does not play a strong role; Good; 10 false more than really less; (11) more cost; (12) talented, not talented.
据国外有关媒体报道,中国海军将引进2艘俄罗斯956型“现代”级导弹驱逐舰,首舰将于2000年1月交付使用。“现代”级大型导弹驱逐舰是俄 According to foreign media reports
Although not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of status epilepticus (SE), valproic acid (VPA) is an emerging option for this pu
1998年11月1~4日,澳大利亚皇家海军的“安扎克”号(FF 150)和“悉尼”号(FF 03)护卫舰访问了我国上海(见本期封二)。在海军有关部门的热心帮助下,本刊记者熊伟有幸和海军技术
As migraine is the result of an inflammatory mechanism with serotonergic sign alling, leucocyte function, platelet function and intercellular communication be t
EP-3E“白羊座”Ⅱ是目前美国海军唯一的陆基电子情报侦察机,由P-3反潜机改装而成,价格为3600万美元。该机型最大起飞重量63394千克,最大速度745千米/小时,升限8625米。 EP