火电盈利有所改善 节能环保政策趋严

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2011年9月以来,全社会用电增速持续下滑,反映了宏观经济增速回落的趋势,但好于爆发金融危机的2008年。受益于2011年年底的“调电价、限煤价”措施,火电企业一季度业绩环比明显改善,但是与去年同期相比,仍有近三分之一企业业绩进一步恶化。分析火电盈利不尽人意的原因,除了令企业苦不堪言的高煤价,财务费用激增成为另一主因。阶梯电价的实施旨在通过价格杠杆对居民的用电行为进行合理调节,加强用电需求侧管理。未来针对燃煤发电的节能环保要求日趋严厉,除了脱硝工程的启动,高效清洁燃煤发电技术有望在十二五期间取得突破和推广。 Since September 2011, the growth rate of total electricity consumption in the whole society has been declining continuously, reflecting the trend of macroeconomic growth slowing down, but better than that of 2008 when the financial crisis broke out. Benefiting from the “price adjustment, coal price ” measures at the end of 2011, thermal power companies saw a noticeable improvement in the first quarter results, but nearly one-third of the enterprises still suffered from further deterioration in performance compared with the same period of last year. Analysis of the reasons for the unsatisfactory profitability of thermal power, in addition to making the company miserable high coal prices, the surge in financial costs has become another main reason. The implementation of the electricity price ladder aims to rationally adjust the electricity consumption behavior of residents through price levers, and strengthen DSM management. In the future, energy-saving and environmental protection requirements for coal-fired power generation will become more and more stringent. Apart from the start of denitrification project, efficient and clean coal-fired power generation technology is expected to make breakthrough and promotion during the 12th Five-year Plan period.
看杰罗姆的《闲人痴想录》,我们常会发出一种会心之笑。这笑是突然的,甚至可说是毫无防备地就来到我们的脸上、心里—这很是难得。你因此对这笑也就更为珍惜了—因为,当流连于这世上的浩繁卷帙里时,我们常感到,令我们沉郁的书多,令我们凝思的书多,甚至令我们长夜暗哭的书也多,而那令我们开心、真正为之一展欢颜的书,却少之又少。  《闲人痴想录》里,却处处可捡拾这样的喜悦。“一顿美餐使男人温情的一面袒露无遗。在腹中