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2008年岁末,大半个世界都笼罩在金融危机阴影下的当口,发生了一个颇具兴味的事件:在反反复复经历了多年困扰后,国际社会终于决定携手对索马里海盗“亮剑”。继美、法、德、印等国海军先后进入索马里海域剿匪并取得明显成效后,12月20日,中国国防部新闻发言人胡昌明也宣布:中国人民解放军海军舰艇将于12月26日从三亚启航前往亚丁湾、索马里海域实施护航,实施远征任务的编队包括南海舰队的2艘驱逐舰和1艘补给舰。 At the end of 2008, most of the world was shrouded in the shadow of the financial crisis and a very interesting event happened. After years of repeated troubles, the international community finally decided to join hands with Somali pirates. After the U.S., French, German, Indian and other navies entered the Somali area and made remarkable progress, Hu Changming, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, announced on December 20 that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy ships will be held on December 26 Sailing from Sanya to the Gulf of Aden, the Somali waters to implement escort, the implementation of the expedition of the fleet includes two destroyer of the South China Sea Fleet and a supply ship.
今年1~7月建材行业主要经济指标变化$国家经贸委经济运行局建材处 From January to July this year, the main economic indicators of the building materials industry cha
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营长到阵地检查火炮伪装情况。他见几个战士正在灌木从中爬行,像是在寻找什么。“你们在那爬来爬去干啥嘞?”营长问。“报告营长,找东西……”一小兵回答。 The battalion c
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