
来源 :新疆农机化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FSFASF
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《新疆农机化》是全疆唯一集农机管理、农机监理,农机技术推广,农机科教、农机修造供应为一体的科技期刊。其内容丰富、实用,坚持农机与农艺相结合,坚持为农机各部门服务,坚持为基层,为广大农机人员服务。《新疆农机化》在宣传、贯彻、报导党和政府关于农机化的方针,政策,推广农机化的典型经验及推广农机新技术,新机具等方面做了大量工作,做出了重大贡献;为科技产品尽快转化为生产力发挥了重要作用,在我地区地,县(市)党政领导及农机系统广大干部职工中影响颇深,在我地区农口单位及农村广大农机手中影响也很深。《新疆农机化》是我们广大农机人员的良师益友,是我们学习和工作中不可缺少的助手。 “Agricultural Mechanization in Xinjiang” is the only scientific and technical periodical in Xinjiang that integrates farm machinery management, agricultural supervision, agricultural technology promotion, agricultural science and education and agricultural machinery construction and supply. Its content is rich and practical, adhere to the combination of agricultural and agronomic, insist on serving all sectors of agricultural machinery, adhere to the grass-roots level, for the majority of agricultural machinery services. “Xinjiang Agricultural Mechanization” has made a significant contribution in publicizing, implementing and reporting on the guidelines and policies of the Party and the government on agricultural mechanization, typical experiences in promoting agricultural mechanization, and promotion of new agricultural machinery technologies and new tools. As soon as possible, the transformation of science and technology products into productive forces has played an important role. In our region, the influence of the party and government leaders and cadres and workers in the agricultural machinery system in our region has been profoundly affected. In rural areas, there are also profound influences on the agricultural units in rural areas. “Xinjiang Agricultural Mechanization” is a mentor and friend of our vast farm machinery staff and an indispensable assistant in our study and work.
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