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2006 International Valuation Forum, co-sponsored by International Valuation Standards Commit- tee (IVSC) and China Appraisal Society, was successfully convened in Kunming in September 2006. At the meantime, the Annual General Meeting of IVSC was also held. The two grand meet- ings reflected the rapid growth and achievement of the China’s appraisal profession, and its impor- tant role in the international community. China’s appraisal profession actively participates in setting the international valuation standards and tries its best to get the voice of developing countries heard. 2006 International Valuation Forum, was featured by the theme of Assets Valuation and the Devel- opment of the Market Economy. Six sessions were arranged during the forum, namely 1) The Latest Development of International Valuation Standards and Chinese Valuation Standards; 2) Assets Valuation and Prevention of Financial Risks; 3) International Study on Appraisal Legislation; 4) Valuation for the Purpose of Financial Report; 5) Tax Valuation Research; 6) The Latest Devel- opment of Business Valuation. 2006 International Valuation Forum provided a unique opportunity of communication. Officials, practitioners, experts from home and abroad were getting together to exchange their views on issues which are widely interested in. Furthermore, the forum enhanced the communication among distinct but related sectors such as appraisal, accounting, taxation and finance. Professionals in those distinct sectors improve their understanding and unnecessary misunderstandings are ex- pected to be avoided. In one word, 2006 International Valuation Forum effectively strengthened the communication and informed participants of the latest development in appraisal and related areas. To give the readers a vivid image of this grand meeting, the editors compiled a series of pictures that were taken during the forum. 2006 International Valuation Forum, co-sponsored by International Valuation Standards Commit- tee (IVSC) and China Appraisal Society, was successfully convened in Kunming in September 2006. At the meantime, the Annual General Meeting of IVSC was also held. The two grand meet ings reflected the rapid growth and achievement of the China’s appraisal profession, and its impor- tant role in the international community. China’s appraisal profession actively participates in setting the international valuation standards and tries its best to get the voice of developing countries heard. 2006 International Valuation Forum, was featured by the theme of Assets Valuation and the Development of the Market Economy. Six sessions were arranged during the forum, namely 1) The Latest Development of International Valuation Standards and Chinese Valuation Standards; 2) Assets Valuation and Prevention of Financial Risks; 3) International Study on Appraisal Legislation; 4) Valuation for the Purpose of Financial Reporting; 5) Tax Valuation Research; 6) The Latest Development of Business Valuation. 2006 International Valuation Forum provided a unique opportunity of communication. Officials, practitioners, experts from home and abroad were getting together to exchange their views on issues which Professionals in those distinct sectors improve their understanding and unnecessary misunderstandings are ex- pected to be avoided. In one word, 2006 International Valuation Forum effectively strengthen the communication and informed participants of the latest development in appraisal and related areas. To give the readers a vivid image of this grand meeting, the editors compiled a series of pictures that were taken during the forum.
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