第一讲 《联合国海洋法公约》——海洋法的最近发展

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《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约)》是1982年4月30日在第三次联合国海洋法会议上通过的。截至目前为止已有159个国家和实体签署了《公约》,并有31个国家和实体批准《公约》。我国是1982年12月10日签署《公约》的。《公约》是第一次在国际范围内通过的海洋及其资源利用的综合性法律,包括320条和9个附件,是广大与会国尤其是第三世界发展中国家与海洋大国经过长达九年的曲折复杂斗争而取得的胜利成果,被称为一部“综合性海洋宪章”。虽然《公约》迄今尚未最后生效(按规定60个国家批准或加入后12个月生效),但其中很多规定已为国际公认,《公约》的生效和实施势在必行。在当前全国开展普法教育中,普及海洋法知识也是普法教育内容的一部分。为此,本刊特辟“《联合国海洋法公约》讲座”专栏,并聘请了有关专家学者为讲座撰稿。讲座将分为13个专题。希望本讲座能对广大读者,特别是从事海洋工作的同志有所裨益。 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”) was adopted at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on 30 April 1982. To date, 159 countries and entities have signed the Convention and 31 have ratified the Convention. My country signed the “Convention” on December 10, 1982. The Convention is the first comprehensive international law on the utilization of the oceans and their resources, including 320 articles and 9 annexes, adopted at the international level. It is the first time that the vast majority of participating countries, especially the third developing and the third largest nations, The victory achieved in the twists and turns of the year has been called an “integrated ocean charter.” Although the Convention has not yet come into force as of the present (taking effect after 60 ratifications or acceding to them 12 months after its accession), many of these provisions are internationally recognized and the entry into force and implementation of the Convention are imperative. In the current popularization education in the whole country, universal knowledge of the law of the sea is also part of the content of popularization education. To this end, we have published a special column entitled “Lectures on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” and hired relevant experts and scholars as contributors. The lecture will be divided into 13 topics. We hope this lecture will benefit our readers, especially those engaged in maritime work.