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极具偶然的惊天发现 公元1900年,农历五月二十六,地处中国大西北的敦煌莫高窟春意才浓,王圆箓早晨起床,胡乱吃了几颗蒸土豆后,便开始了一天散懒的工作。他让一个姓杨的抄经人,去清扫“三层楼”里另外外那些前几天大风刮来的浮沙。王道士是湖北麻城人,清政府招兵,他参军来到甘肃酒泉,在军营里混了几年,退伍后不想回湖北的大别山,便到敦煌出家当了道士。不长时间,便混到类似于道长的位置上。下寺太清宫的大小事情均由他说了算。他雇用的这个抄经人,按他的吩咐拿着笤帚上了二层楼,扫完了外廊上的积沙后,便一 In a very fortunate discovery, in 1900, on the 26th of the lunar month, in the spring on Mogao Grottoes in the northwestern part of China, Wang Yuen began to wake up in the morning and ate a few steamed potatoes at random. Lazy work. He asked a copywriter named Yang to clean up the floating sand blown away by the wind a few days earlier outside the “three floors.” Wang Daoshi was a Macheng resident in Hubei province who recruited troops from Qing government. When he joined the army, he came to Jiuquan, Gansu province, where he mixed for a few years and did not want to go back to Dabie Mountain in Hubei after leaving the army. Not a long time, they mixed to the length of the road similar to the location. Temple under the size of things are by his final say. He hired this copying man, according to his instructions on the floor with a broom on the second floor, swept the sediment on the porch, then one
Al(OH)_3 modified nickel slag adsorbent was prepared by sintering technology. The structure of the sample was characterized by BET, XRD, IR, SEM and EDAX. The s
A new Cd(Ⅱ) coordination polymer, namely {Cd_2(L)(biimpy)(H_2O)}_n(1, H4 L = 3-(3?,5?-dicarboxylphenoxy)phthalic acid, biimpy = 2,6-bis(1-imdazoly)pyridine), h
A new 3D copper(Ⅱ) coordination polymer, {[Cu_2(tbip)_2(1,3,5-tib)]×2H_2O}n(1, H_2 tbip = 5-tert-butyl isophthalic acid, 1,3,5-tib = 1,3,5-tris(1-imidazolyl)b