The advertising strategies

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We will try to demonstrate, through the display of the various advertising creation strategies and their evolution, how the advertising communication passed from of a vision or a strategy focused on the product, to a vision focused on the brand. The first advertising strategy that was applied by advertising agencies is the“Unique Selling Proposition”;it focused only on the product advantages and its philosophy dominated the advertising world, throughout its various evolutions, till the nineties but this is without counting the introduction of the new advertising strategies that brought a more brand oriented philosophy to the ground. We will try to demonstrate, through the display of the various advertising creation strategies and their evolution, how the advertising communication passed from of a vision or a strategy focused on the product, to a vision focused on the brand. The first advertising strategy that was Applied by advertising agencies is the“Unique Selling Proposition”;it focused only on the product advantages and its philosophy dominated the advertising world, throughout its various evolutions, till the nineties but this is without counting the introduction of the new advertising strategies that Brought a more brand oriented philosophy to the ground.
中国资源综合利用协会的统计数据显示,每年国人扔掉的旧衣服大约有2600万吨。对服装业年产值高达1.3万亿元的中国市场而言,旧衣回收市场庞大。与此同时,从事旧衣服收购的经营者也很纳闷,为什么旧衣服收购市场明明很大,但运转却不顺畅?在行业困难重重的前提下,国内首家合法旧衣回收企业成立,试水旧衣回收再利用行业。  旧衣收购销售虽是个冷门行业,但市场有需求,便有利可图。旧衣回收销售的一般流程是:回收、分类
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