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年代:2017地区:中国演员:迪丽热巴张云龙高伟光金晨马薇薇范湉湉披拉·尼迪裴善官导演:李海蜀黄彦威故事梗概:北漂网络写手唐楠楠(迪丽热巴饰)脑洞大于常人,整日穿行在各种“白日梦”之中,梦想着有一天能成为网文大神,然而在她误打误撞毁掉了贱萌海龟男朱侯(张云龙饰)为追求女神精心布置的告白仪式之后,这对冤家阴差阳错之下被迫带着各自的傲娇与偏见开始了同居生活。朱侯的高富帅好基友萧见君(高伟光饰)因对唐楠楠一见钟情展开猛烈攻势, Year: 2017 Region: China Cast: Derek Lapar Zhang Yunlong Gao Weiguang Jin Chen Ma Weiwei Fan 湉 湉 Pi La Ndi Pei Shan Guan Director: Li Haisu Huang Yanwei Synopsis: North drift network writers Tang Nanan Throughout the day in a variety of “daydream ” among the dreams of one day to become a Web God, but she ruined the cheap adorable sea turtle male Zhu Hou (Zhang Yunlong ornaments) for the pursuit of the goddess After the arrangement of the confession ceremony, this pair of friends were forced to go with their own pride and prejudice cohabitation. Zhu Hou Gao Fu handsome Shuji friends Xiaojian Jun (Gao Weiguang decoration) because of love at first sight Tang Nannan fierce offensive,
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电影理论著作《电影作为艺术》基本涵盖了爱因汉姆的电影艺术观点,即电影艺术恰恰在于无声和黑白电影的残缺之美,本文以此为据分析了作者的理论逻辑。 Film theory as a boo