
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hstiantian
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目的了解影响参加新型农村合作医疗的农民(以下简称参合农民)免费健康健康体检的因素,讨论促进其积极参加健康体检的方法和对策。方法对采用多阶段抽样方法随即抽取的400户、634名参合农民(成人)进行入户调查,并组织3次15~20人的小组访谈,了解参合农民的体检意识和体检行为情况。结果全体调查对象中86.60%有体检意识,66.2%有体检行动;未参加健康体检的主要原因是:认为自己身体很好没必要体检或内心害怕发现疾病而拒绝健康体检以及认为体检没有意义等。结论促使健康信念形成的主观觉察易感性、主观觉察严重性、主观觉察障碍是影响参合农民进行健康体检的主要因素。 Objective To understand the factors influencing the free health examination of farmers who participate in the new rural cooperative medical system (hereinafter referred to as participating farmers) and discuss the ways and measures to promote their active participation in physical examination. Methods Household survey was conducted on 400 households with 634 participating peasants (adults) sampled immediately after the adoption of multistage sampling method. Three interviews with 15 to 20 persons were organized to understand the physical examination awareness and physical examination behavior of participating peasants. Results 86.60% of the surveyed subjects had physical examination awareness and 66.2% had physical examination. The main reason for not taking part in the physical examination was that they thought they were in good health and did not need physical examination or were afraid of finding the disease and refused to have a physical examination, and they thought the examination was meaningless. Conclusions The subjective sense of suspicion, the subjective sense of subjective awareness and the subjective sense of disability which promote the formation of healthy beliefs are the main factors that affect the participation of peasants in health examination.
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