Presence of the protruding oncus is affected by anther dehiscence and acetolysis technique

来源 :第十届全国植物结构与生殖生物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:comeon833833
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  A protruding oncus is a projection of the intine in the aperture region.The ubiquitous use of acetolysis in palynological research has led to the presence of a protruding oncus being underreported.Controlled experiments with pollen samples collected from undehisced and dehisced anthers demonstrate that the presence of a protruding oncus is affected by the state of the anther at maturity:dehisced or undehisced,and by preparation technique.In investigating the occurrence of onci,particular attention should be paid both to the dehiscence state of the anthers,and theeffect of preparation technique on the intine.Although it has been suggested that protruding onci and pollen buds can be distinguished based on three criteria (size,presence of a large vacuole,separation of the protrusion from the grain),most of thesedistinctions break down when information is included from more recent studies.Additional study of protruding intinous structures may help clarify the differencebetween pollen buds and protruding onci.
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