The association between metabolic syndrome and the risk of renal cell cancer in Chinese males:a popu

来源 :2019中国肿瘤学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shimin_job
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  Objective Metabolic syndrome is now both a major clinical problem and a common public health problem.Few researches have reported the relationship between metabolic syndrome and the risk of renal cell cancer.To investigate the association of metabolic syndrome and its components with the renal cell cancer risk of in Chinese males,the study was performed in the Kailuan male cohort,a large prospective cohort study with comprehensive data on health indicators and health behaviors.
网络游戏障碍(Internet gaming disorder,IGD)是青少年中日益严重的公共健康问题。最近很多研究表明网瘾与大脑多巴胺系统异常有关,尤其是中脑腹侧被盖区(Ventral tegmental area,VTA)。目前对网瘾个体的识别应不只是依赖于主观症状,更重要的的是使用客观的神经影像学标记来进行正确的临床诊断。
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目的 探索既往基础疾病史对乳腺癌术后总体生存率的影响,建立既往疾病评分系统并对预测评分的预测准确性进行验证。基于不同既往疾病评分与乳腺癌患者相关流行病学和临床病理学因素间的交互作用进行人群分层,研究不同临床治疗效果差异,以期进一步指导乳腺癌患者术后的个体化治疗。
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Objective Breast cancer is a worldwide problem causing the most common death in women.In China,the incidence of breast cancer has increased dramatically in recent years,but the epidemiologic factors a