Discussion on the Current Situations of the Internal Controls of Medium and Small Sized Enterprises

来源 :2011年信息技术、服务科学与工程管理国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jorby289702834
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  As the progress for the economic integration all over the world is accelerated further and the socialist market economy in China receives a development at a high speed, Chinese medium and small sized enterprises attain a very rapid growth and the position of these enterprises also get increasingly more obvious in the national economy in current China at the same time.Therefore, it can be said that the medium and small sized enterprises not only exert a promoting role in the development of the national economy and simultaneously prove to be increasingly more important.Under the current situation in China, however, the medium and small sized enterprises also expose a great number of their problems in the process of development at the moment they are receiving a fairly swift development in society.One of the typical problems in the development of Chinese medium and small sized enterprises that the internal control within these enterprises should be strengthened are necessary to be resolved within a short time.In this paper, the author mainly carries out an analysis and research on the current situation of the medium and small sized enterprises in China and hence puts forward some suggestions to improve such a situation.Through this paper, it is expected by the author that this will make a small contribution to the smooth, steady and healthy development of the medium and small sized enterprises in China in the future.
摘要:海南省高等美术教育经过二十多年的发展,已基本解决了学科的建构问题。现已进入到教育理念和特色教学方法确立的时期。本文试图从课程评价这一环节的现状整体入手,深入分析其存在的问题,进而从现实性上对海南省高校的教学转型提出自己的见解。  关键词:教学转型 质性评价 量化评价    信息化进程的加速是我们这个时代的突出特征。信息化社会要求学生从传统的知识型人才向创新型人才转变。因此,培养积极主动的学习
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