驰骋火海显神威 奋力排险铸忠魂——记宁夏消防官兵践行“人民消防为人民”

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宁夏消防部队是自治区经济发展的一支重要保卫力量。面对新世纪消防工作的严峻挑战,这支部队勇立潮头,在烈火浓烟、急、难、险、重等抢险救援灾害处置中不断发展壮大,走过了由小到大,由弱到强,由仅能扑救一般火灾发展成为能够扑救高层、地下、化工等特殊火灾和处置各类化危、地震、干旱、洪涝等多种灾害事故,具有现代化战斗力的光辉历程。全区消防官兵日夜枕戈,严阵以待,以自己的忠诚和无畏与火魔、突发事件、自然灾害进行着不懈的斗争,为全区经济的发展贡献着自己无悔的青春。 Ningxia Fire Brigade is an important security force in the autonomous region’s economic development. Faced with the harsh challenges of fire prevention in the new century, this unit has been making tremendous efforts to keep pace with the tide and continues to grow and develop in the areas of fire, emergency, disaster, insurance and rescue and disaster relief and disaster mitigation. To be strong, from being able to save ordinary fires to becoming capable of fighting special fires such as high-rise buildings, underground buildings and chemical industries and handling various disasters such as endangering earthquakes, droughts and floods, and having a glorious history of modern combat effectiveness. The fire brigades and men throughout the district pinned their heads day and night and stood firm in their struggle with their loyalty and fearlessness in connection with fire devils, unexpected incidents and natural disasters and contributed their youth of no regrets to the economic development of the entire district.
结核性乳腺炎在经济发达国家中极为罕见,然而在传染病广泛流行的印度,结核的发病率高达40%,死亡率为该国各种疾病致死的首位。 乳房是结核感染的罕见部位,过去诊断结核性乳腺
1950年4月初,西昌战役尾声中,近3万人包括家眷的国民党溃军散向各地,其中有万人裸身大逃亡! In early April 1950, at the end of the Xichang Battle, nearly 30,000 peopl
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