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为切实做好矿产开发监督管理工作,提高采矿人依法办矿意识,近日,山东省国土资源厅下发《关于相邻矿山签订依法办矿协议建立相互监督检查制度的通知》,要求各市相邻矿山企业必须于2008年8月底前完成签订依法办矿协议和建立相互监督检查制度。《通知》指出,协议双方中一方或双方均为市属以上或应由市国土资源部门负责监督管理的采矿权人,要向市国土资源局备案,其他类型的采矿 In order to effectively carry out the supervision and administration of mineral development and enhance the awareness of miners who run mines in accordance with the law, recently Shandong Provincial Department of Land and Resources issued the Circular on Establishing Mutual Supervision and Inspection System for Ore and Mine by Neighboring Mines in accordance with the Law, requiring the cities to be adjacent Mine enterprises must be completed by the end of August 2008 signed the agreement to run the mine and establish mutual supervision and inspection system. “Notice” pointed out that one or both parties to the agreement are municipal ownership above or should be responsible for supervision and management of land and resources department of the municipal land and mineral resources to be filed with the Municipal Land and Resources Bureau, other types of mining
An M_S6.8 strong earthquake took place in Jiashi,Xinjiang on February 24 of 2003.The digital wave form data recorded in Kashi and Wushi stations are selected to
In the field of geological prospecting,it’s very valuable to detect the contents of Potassium in the nature ore. So, in the year of 2008, a rapid measurement i
对于我国而言,矿产资源的无序开采形成了我国小矿数量多的产业格局,而使矿产资源开采由无序变有序就要加快推进对矿产资源的开发整合,促进矿山规模化开发、集约化开采。 For