Unconventional Landau Levels of Ultracold Fermionic Atoms on Two-Dimensional Honeycomb Lattice

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwoba9982
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We investigate the unconventional Landau levels of ultracold fermionic atoms on the two-dimensionalhoneycomb optical lattice subjected to an effective magnetic field,which is created with optical means.In the presenceof the effective magnetic field,the energy spectrum of the unconventional Landau levels is calculated.Furthermore,wepropose to detect the unconventional Landau levels with Bragg scattering techniques. We investigate the unconventional Landau levels of ultracold fermionic atoms on the two-dimensional honeycomb optical lattice subjected to an effective magnetic field, which is created with optical means. The presenceof the effective magnetic field, the energy spectrum of the unconventional Landau levels is calculated. Furthermore, wepropose to detect the unconventional Landau levels with Bragg scattering techniques.
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