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恢复高考20年来,议论文一直是高考作文的重点,其中又以提供材料写议论文居多,命题议论文只出现过三次,即1981年的《先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐》、1988年的《习惯》(除诗歌外也可写成记叙文)和1991年的《近墨者黑》(或《近墨者未必黑》)。已有7年没考命题议论文,所以今年也并不排除有考命题议论文的可能。先说命题议论文的审题。审题要准确、全面。命题议论文的题目大致有三种情况:(1)用词做题目。有时用它的本义,如《习惯》。有时用其引申义,如《人生处处有考场》中的“考场”是指“考验人的地方”。(2)用短语做题目。用的较多的是联合式短语,如《适度与失度》、《继承与创新》、《树木·森 In the past 20 years since the resumption of college entrance examination, argumentative writing has always been the focus of the college entrance examination essay. Among them, most of the argumentative papers have been written on the basis of providing materials, and the propositional dissertation has only appeared three times before. “The Habits” of 1988 (which can also be written as narratives in addition to poetry) and the 1991 “Near Ink Black” (or “Near Ink Are Not Black”). There have been no probationary argumentative papers for 7 years, so this year does not rule out the possibility of probationary dissertation. Let’s talk about propositional arguments. The trial questions must be accurate and comprehensive. The topics of the propositional dissertation can be roughly divided into three categories: (1) Words are used as topics. Sometimes it uses its original meaning, such as “custom”. Sometimes it is used to extend its meaning. For example, the “examination room” in “everywhere in the examination room” refers to the “place where people are tested.” (2) Use the phrase as a topic. The more commonly used are joint phrases such as “Moderation and Disadvantage”, “Inheritance and Innovation”, and “Tree Sen.”
例 1 一物体做匀加速直线运动 ,在某时刻前的t1 内的位移是S1 ,在该时刻后的t2 内的位移是S2 ,则物体的加速度是 (   )。A 2 (S2 t1 -S1 t2 )t1 t2 (t1 +t2 )   B S2 t1 -S1 t2t1 t2 (t1 +t2 )
含30°角的直角三角形有一个很特殊的性质: 定理1 在直角三角形中,如果一个锐角等于30°,那么它所对的直角边等于斜边的一半. 反过来也成立: 定理2 在直角三角形中,如果一条