Dysfunction of hippocampal interneurons in epilepsy

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weijiang321
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Gamma-amino-butyric acid(GABA)-containing interneurons are crucial to both development and function of the brain. Down-regulation of GABAergic inhibition may result in the generation of epileptiform activity. Loss, axonal sprouting, and dysfunction of interneurons are regarded as mechanisms involved in epileptogenesis. Recent evidence suggests that network connectivity and the properties of interneurons are responsible for excitatory-inhibitory neuronal circuits. The balance between excitation and inhibition in CA1 neuronal circuitry is considerably altered during epileptic changes. This review discusses interneuron diversity, the causes of interneuron dysfunction in epilepsy, and the possibility of using GABAergic neuronal progenitors for the treatment of epilepsy. Loss-of-axonal sprouting, and dysfunction of interneurons are considered as mechanisms involved in epileptogenesis. Recent evidence suggests that network connectivity and the properties of interneurons are responsible for excitatory-inhibitory neuronal circuits. The balance between excitation and inhibition in CA1 neuronal circuitry is considerably altered during epileptic changes. This review discusses interneuron diversity, the causes of interneuron dysfunction in epilepsy, and the possibility of using GABAergic neuronal progenitors for the treatment of epilepsy.
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