Active Tectonic Belts in Tibet and Their Control on Earthquakes

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kinee
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A series of nearly N-S-trending active tectonic belts are found in Tibet. The earthquakes there mostly belong to shallow-focus ones, and are characterized by high frequency, high intensity and short recurrence intervals. The epicentres are mainly located near the boundary faults along the active tectonic belts. They are most concentrated, with small earthquake magnitudes, at the turning or intersecting parts of the boundary faults, and are less concentrated, bat with big earthquake magnitudes, in other parts of the boundary faults. The mechanic properties of the seismic fracture belts are generally related to their strike: the NW-trending ones are of dextral strike-slip nature and the NE-trending ones are of sinistral strike-slip nature, while the nearly N-S-trending ones exhibit the nature of tensional normal faults. In the region the earthquakecontrolling structures are considered to be the active tectonic belts, while the seismogenetic structures are the boundary faults in the active tectonic belts. A series of nearly NS-trending active tectonic belts are found in Tibet. The earthquakes there mostly belong to shallow-focus ones, and characterized by high frequency, high intensity and short recurrence intervals. The epicentres are mainly located near the boundary faults along the active tectonic belts. They are most concentrated, with small earthquake magnitudes, at the turning or intersecting parts of the boundary faults, and are less concentrated, bat with big earthquake magnitudes, in other parts of the boundary faults. The mechanic properties of the seismic fracture belts are generally related to their strike: the NW-trending ones are of dextral strike-slip nature and the NE-trending ones are of sinistral strike-slip nature, while the nearly NS-trending ones exhibit the nature of tensional normal faults . In the region the earthquakecontrolling structures are considered to be the active tectonic belts, while the seismogenetic structures are the boundary faults in the activ e tectonic belts.
一、特点连续模具有以下特点: 1.连续模是多工序冲模。在一副模具内,可以包括冲裁、弯曲、成形、拉深等多种、多道工序,具有比复合横更高的劳动生产率。 2.连续模具有操作安
一、突遇歹徒施暴,歹徒上步进身,用双手掐锁我喉颈时;我疾变应动,用左、右手由外向里夹推其肘处,同时发右下扫踢腿猛踢歹徒前支撑腿内侧,将其踢倒在地,造成重创(图1、2、3)。  要点:双手夹推肘有力,下扫踢腿准确,转腰闪身发力,手、脚相合一致。  二、突遇歹徒施暴,歹徒上步进身,用双手掐锁我喉颈时;我疾变应动,用左、右手握拳,由下向上直臂挑击破化来招,接着连发双手劈拳狠砸其头面部,造成重创(图4、5