
来源 :当代畜牧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allenwyh
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近日,中央财政下拨2013年畜牧发展扶持资金20.5亿元,加上此前已下拨资金,2013年中央财政已下拨畜牧发展扶持资金29亿元,比2012年同口径增加2亿元。其中:12亿元用于支持开展畜牧良种补贴,对养殖者购买牲畜良种冻精和种公畜进行补贴;17亿元用于支持畜牧水产等“菜篮子”产品养殖场开展规模化标准化生产。 Recently, the Central Government allocated 2.05 billion yuan of support funds for animal husbandry development in 2013. Coupled with the funds previously allocated, the central government allocated 2.9 billion yuan of support funds for animal husbandry development in 2013, an increase of 200 million yuan more than the same amount in 2012. Of this total, 1.2 billion yuan will be used to support the subsidies for livestock seed grazing, subsidies for farmers to buy livestock breeding elite and livestock breeding, and 1.7 billion yuan to support large-scale and standardized production of animal husbandry and aquaculture and other “vegetable baskets” product farms.
逸家先生很早就道出了“祖国啊,放心吧!”的豪言壮语,井为此付出了毕生心血。 这种豪情壮志使他在1931年就开始着手建设理想村,那时他还不到叨岁。他和与自己志同道合的吕运浦长老在
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