
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alpine
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随着城镇化高速发展,我国大多数中小城市由于供水管网扩建、管龄过长等原因,城市供水长期处于供水不足的欠压状态。提高供水水头增大供水量时,水费收益和管网漏失量将随之增加,合理地确定供水量和供水水头是各城市自来水公司解决城市供水的重要途径。然而目前我国部分中小城市所能得到的城市供水系统的基础资料非常少,精确预测其用水量进行最优化调度仍有很大困难。从宏观角度出发,针对基础资料较少的欠压城市建立了欠压状态下供水量估测模型,并将该模型应用于某中小城市,分别预测出提高不同供水水头时的用户用水量和管网漏失量,为该城市自来水公司根据自身泵站电耗确定经济供水水头提供依据。实践结果表明,仅通过改造泵站来提高用户用水水头的方法并不完全可行,应调查城市管网实际情况,在提高泵站水头的同时可适当扩大管径或并行敷设新管。 With the rapid development of urbanization, due to the expansion of water supply pipe network and long pipe age in most small and medium-sized cities in our country, urban water supply has been in a state of under-pressured for a long time due to insufficient water supply. Increasing the water supply head Increasing the water supply, the water fee income and the pipe network loss will increase, a reasonable way to determine the amount of water supply and water supply head is the city water company to solve the urban water supply an important way. However, at present, the basic data of urban water supply system that some small and medium-sized cities in China can get are very few. It is still very difficult to accurately predict the water consumption for optimal operation. From the macroscopic point of view, a model of water supply under under-pressure is established for under-pressured cities with few basic data, and the model is applied to a small and medium-sized city to predict the user water consumption and pipe Net leakage, the city’s water company based on its own pumping station to determine the economic water supply head to provide the basis. The practice results show that it is not entirely feasible to improve the user’s water head only by rebuilding the pump station. The actual situation of the urban pipe network should be investigated. While the head of the pump station should be raised, the pipe diameter may be appropriately enlarged or new pipes should be laid in parallel.
本文着重介绍了实现天然氙三相点的方法并讨论了使用不同实验技术所得到的结果。本文作者认为:在际国实用温标中应考虑使用氙三相点作为固定点。 This article focuses on t
季荣臻老师在e21科学探究网的论坛上发了一个帖子:《科学教师要把自然书扔掉吗?》,引起网友们的热烈讨论,现将这两部分内容发表如下,欢迎读者发表您自己见解。 Ji Yong teac