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这几年来,数码相机以惊人的发展速度成为市场中的“宠物”。在数码相机正成为抢手货之际,许多厂商也时不时地走一些“歪门邪道”,推出一些奇形怪状、功能独特的“另类”数码相机来,或求新奇,或求尝试。尽管这些产品目前在市场上形成不了什么大气候,但多少也代表了数码相机未来的一些发展趋势,还是引起了许多猎奇者的兴趣。现在,就让我们来看看这些相机到底“另类”在什么地方吧(我们介绍的产品在国内市场上并不常见,但基本上可以买到)。 In recent years, digital cameras have become “pets” in the market at an alarming rate of growth. As digital cameras are becoming more sought-after, many vendors are also taking “crooked ways” from time to time to launch bizarre, unique “alternative” digital cameras that seek novelty or experimentation. Although these products are not currently forming the market in any big climate, but how many also represent some of the future trends in digital cameras, or attracted the interest of many curiosities. Now, let’s take a look at where these cameras are “offbeat” (the products we introduce are not common in the domestic market, but are basically commercially available).
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在前期研究基础上,本文分析了抗体结合/离解率、抗原浓度、脑脊液(Cerebrospinal fluid,CSF)体积流速、CSF体积、CSF壁面表面积、同位素半衰期、抗体注射剂量和放射性标记抗
最近,看王跃文的新作《梅次故事》,那简直就是一部现 代版的《官场现形记》。小小一个梅次地委, 演绎了多少人间喜剧。那么多人为了官位, 送钱,送人,投其所好,煞费苦心。书