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本期“银河星辰”为学习于澄世同志专稿.这位将一生都和陕西水利事业紧密联系的人,这位分别和五十年代、七十年代陕西两次水利建设高潮一起辉煌过的水利专家,在陕西水利人的心目中以其不可磨灭的业绩而竖立了一通丰碑.这位早年追随李仪祉先生投身陕西水利建设的水利专家,在三秦大地从渭高抽、宝鸡峡引渭、交口抽渭到大佛寺、永宁山、羊毛湾、石头河、冯家山、新桥、石砭峪等一大批大中型水利工程的规划设计及技术决策中都付出了心血和灼灼的智慧.而在这位水利老人身上折射出的作为一代水利创业者的辉煌精神,也在他刚刚离开人世的时候,一下子在人们的缅怀及思索中凸现出来,——于澄世精神,人们一下子发现了他留在水利业绩之外的丰厚的精神财富,从而掀起的学习于澄世的高潮,成为我省水利职工科技兴国、尊老敬贤的一个中心活动.1998年4月19日,于澄世同志经受了四、五年病魔的折磨后离开人世,结束了他简朴而辉煌的一生.4月23日,在他的追悼会上,彭谦厅长代表水利厅党组对他作了极高的评价,号召全省水利职工向于澄世同志学习.5月15日,水利厅成立了以彭谦厅长为组长、厅党组成员纪检组组长王宗炎同志为副组长的开展向于澄世同志学 This issue of “Galaxy Star” is a special article written by Comrade Cheng Cheng. This person who has been closely linked with the water conservancy cause in Shaanxi for the rest of his life. This water conservancy has been brilliant with the climaxes of two water conservancy projects in Shaanxi in the 1950s and 1970s respectively. Experts erected a monument in the minds of the Shaanxi Water Worksman with his invaluable achievements. The water conservancy expert who followed Mr. Li Yizhao’s involvement in Shaanxi’s water conservancy construction in the early days of the Three Qins’ Earthworks from the Gaoqiu, Baojixia, and Jiaokou. There is a lot of painstaking efforts and wisdom in the planning and design of large-scale large- and medium-sized water conservancy projects such as Dafosi, Yongningshan, Woolen Bay, Shitouhe, Fengjiashan, Xinqiao and Shiqi. The glorious spirit of a water conservancy entrepreneur who was reflected in a water conservancy old man was also vividly reflected in people’s remembrance and thoughts when he just passed away. In the spirit of Yu Chengshi, people suddenly discovered that he stayed. The rich spiritual wealth outside the water conservancy achievements, thus setting off the climax of learning in the Cheng Shi, has become a center activity for our province’s water conservancy workers to rejuvenate the country through science and technology. On April 19, 1998, Comrade Yu Chengshi died after suffering four to five years of illness and ended his simple and brilliant life. On April 23rd, at the memorial service, Peng Qian, the head of the office, represented the water conservancy. The Hall Party Group made a very high evaluation for him and called on the province’s water conservancy workers to learn from Comrade Yu Chengshi. On May 15, the Water Resources Department established the chairman of Peng Zhi as the team leader, and the member of the Party’s discipline inspection team leader Wang Zongyan of the Office of the Department of Water Resources. Development of Deputy Group Leaders to Comrade Yu Chengshi
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