1月份我国进口化肥数量减少出口增长 国际化肥市场价格处于稳中有升态势

来源 :化工统计与信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoudeyou
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我国2001年化肥进口政策原则是对化肥进口仍实行严格的管理制度,严格执行化肥代理制度,严禁越权进口。为了促进化肥价格管理适应市场形势变化,国家决定进一步改进进口化肥价格管理办法。对中央进口钾肥的口岸交货价格继续实行政府定价,仍由国家计委根据实际进货成本加1.7%综合经营差率核定;对中央进口磷酸二铵,复合肥由实行政策定价改为政府指导价,即由国家计委根据实际进货成本加1.7%综合经营差率核定口岸准交货价 The principle of China’s policy on the import of chemical fertilizers in 2001 is that it still imposes a strict management system on the import of chemical fertilizers and strictly implements the system of fertilizer agency and strictly prohibits the importation of ultra-rights. In order to promote the management of chemical fertilizer prices to adapt to changes in market conditions, the state decided to further improve the management of imported fertilizer prices. The price of the central port of delivery of potash imports continue to implement the government pricing is still calculated by the State Development Planning Commission based on the actual purchase cost plus 1.7% of the consolidated operating margin approved; the central import of DAP, compound fertilizer from the implementation of policy pricing to government guidance price , Which is determined by the State Planning Commission based on the actual purchase cost plus 1.7% of the consolidated operating margin approved port quasi-delivery price
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