
来源 :内蒙古社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilove19830517
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党的三中全会后,内蒙古自治区同全国一样,随着国民经济的恢复和发展,对外经济贸易发展快、形势好,特别是出口贸易有较大的增长。1981年工农业总产值较1953年增长568%,工业在工农业总产值中所占的比重由19%上升到64.9%;同时期外贸收购总额较1953年增加3.5倍,对外贸易收购总额占工农业总产值的比重为3.77%。出口商品有250多种。 在出口商品的构成中,也出现了可喜的变化。据1977年到1981年的统计,对外贸易收购商品结构比重,轻纺产品由1977年的27.2%上升到1981年的43.85%,工矿产品由1977年的16.2%上升到1981年的43.85%,农牧副土特产品由1977年的56.6%,下降到1981年的38.03%,传统的大宗的农牧副产品,在全部出口商品总额中,比重逐年下降,轻纺产品和工矿产品出口明显增加。化纤纺织品、砩石、氯化稀土、煤炭、麻黄素、电石、钢材、三爪卡盘、机械设备等产品大有增长。这是内蒙古自治区对外贸贸商品中的新生力量。 Following the Third Plenary Session of the Party, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, along with the rest of the country, has witnessed a rapid economic growth and favorable foreign trade with the recovery and development of the national economy. In particular, the export trade has enjoyed a substantial increase. The gross value of industrial and agricultural output in 1981 increased by 568% over 1953, and the proportion of industry in the total industrial and agricultural output rose from 19% to 64.9%; the total amount of foreign trade acquisition in the same period increased 3.5 times that of 1953; the total amount of foreign trade acquisitions accounted for The proportion of total agricultural output is 3.77%. More than 250 kinds of export products. There has also been a welcome change in the composition of exports. According to statistics from 1977 to 1981, the proportion of foreign trade in the purchase of goods structure increased from 27.2% in 1977 to 43.85% in 1981, and that of industrial and mining products increased from 16.2% in 1977 to 43.85% in 1981. The output of animal husbandry and mutton products decreased from 56.6% in 1977 to 38.03% in 1981. The traditional bulk agricultural and sideline products, the proportion of total exports, declined year by year, and the exports of textile products and industrial and mining products increased markedly. Chemical fiber textiles, jade stone, rare earth chloride, coal, ephedrine, calcium carbide, steel, three jaw chuck, mechanical equipment and other products have greatly increased. This is a new force in the foreign trade and trade goods of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
在枢纽港之争的背后,中小港口的发展应得到更多的重视,文章分析了中小港口存在的问题,明确了中小港口发展定位,指出中小港口发展动因及阻力,对其发展方向给予建议。 Behind
6月10日,英国利物浦大学因为采取了对一名借书忘还的校友作出的罚款决定,在英国引起了一场不大不小的轰动。  现年91岁的罗恩·韦伯斯特曾于1953年在英国利物浦大学担任助理研究员一职,也正是在这一年,罗恩在图书馆里办了相关借书手续后,借了一本《原始社会结构和功能》的专业书。罗恩非常喜欢这本书,不管走到哪里都把它带在身上。  没想到,这一带就将这本书“带”在身边61年了。直到最近罗恩整理藏书时,才发
目的:研究宫腔镜手术(hysteroscope operation,HO)对剖宫产瘢痕缺陷(Cesarean scar defect,CSD)所致月经异常(abnormal menstruation,AM)病患的临床疗效。方法:选择我院2009