Robust and conductive hydrogel based on mussel adhesive chemistry for remote monitoring of body sign

来源 :摩擦(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiansujiao
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There is a high demand for hydrogels with multifunctional performance (a combination of adhesive, mechanical, and electrical properties) in biological, tissue engineering, robotics, and smart device applications. However, a majority of existing hydrogels are relatively rigid and brittle, with limited stretchability; this hinders their application in the emerging field of flexible devices. In this study, cheap and abundant potato residues were used with polyacrylamide (PAM) to fabricate a multifunctional hydrogel, and chitosan was used for the design of a three-dimentional (3D) network-structured hydrogel. The as-prepared hydrogels exhibited excellent stretchability, with an extension exceeding 900% and a recovery degree of over 99%. Due to the combination of physical and chemical cross-linking properties and the introduction of dopamine, the designed hydrogel exhibits a remarkable self-healing ability (80% mechanical recovery in 2 h), high tensile strength (0.75 MPa), and ultra-stretchability (900%). The resultant products offer superior properties compared to those of previously reported tough and self- healing hydrogels for wound adhesion. Chitosan and potato residues were used as scaffold materials for the hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties. In addition, in vitro experiments show that these hydrogels feature excellent antibacterial properties, effectively hindering the reproduction of bacteria. Moreover, the ternary hydrogel can act as a strain sensor with high sensitivity and a gauge factor of 1.6. The proposed strategy is expected to serve as a reference for the development of green and recyclable conductive polymers to fabricate hydrogels. The proposed hydrogel can also act as a suitable strain sensor for bio-friendly devices such as smart wearable electronic devices and/or for health monitoring.
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随着绿色环保的现代轨道交通设计理念发展,受电弓减阻成为制约高速列车提速的关键问题之一.高速列车运行时,受电弓暴露于流线型车体之外,是列车气动阻力的主要来源之一,随着列车速度的提高,受电弓的减阻问题亟待解决.本文针对某型高速受电弓,基于计算流体动力学仿真技术,分析了整弓气动阻力分布,确定滑板与底座的压差阻力是气动阻力的主要来源,提出了滑板流线型减阻外壳与底座包裹流线型减阻外壳的优化方案,并与原模型对比验证了减阻效果.计算表明,减阻模型在350 km/h运行时,整弓气动阻力在开口、闭口时分别降低25.13%与