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庐山,千古文化名山,素有“匡庐奇秀甲天下”之美誉。名山吸引着名人,名人为名山增辉。自《史记》始称庐山之名,庐山就成为历代名人云集之地。翻开庐山史册,从东晋到清代,约有五六百位文学家、画家、科学家、学者慕名拜谒庐山。留下了四千多首诗歌、浩如烟海的著作和画卷,为庐山的灿烂历史,谱写了炫目的篇章。1994年年尾,从香港启程,沿途采访京九铁路,我来到了九江,在江西省委宣传部外宣处处长姚绍平陪同下,登上庐山。庐山风光,气吞大江,影落明湖,险峻而雄奇,苍润而灵 Lushan, eternal culture, known as “Kuang Lu Qi Sau Jia Tian ” reputation. Attract famous celebrities, celebrities for the mountain by bright. Since the “Historical Records” said the name of Mount Lushan, Mount Lushan has become a celebrity gathering place. Open the history of the Lushan Mountain, from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, about five or six hundred writers, painters, scientists, scholars attracted to Lushan. Leaving more than 4,000 poems, voluminous books and pictures for the splendid history of Lushan, wrote a dazzling chapter. At the end of 1994, when I departed from Hong Kong and interviewed the Beijing-Kowloon Railway along the way, I came to Jiujiang and accompanied Iao Shao-ping, director of the Publicity Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, to Mount Lushan. Lushan scenery, swallowing the Yangtze River, Ying Lake Ming, steep and magnificent, Cang Run Ling
黑龙江省中国国际旅行社建于1954年,原称中国国际旅行社哈尔滨分社,是专门接待外国及港、澳、台旅游者的国家一类旅行社。主要从事观光旅游、专项旅游、特 Heilongjiang Pr
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