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:In this paper we describe the molecular and crystal structures of the K3[Y(NTA)2(H2O)]· 6H2O(H3NTA=nitrilotriacetic acid). The crystal data are as follows: monoclinic system, C2/c space group, a=1.5268(3)nm,b=1.2833(3)nm,c=2.6079(5)nm,β =96.03(3)° ,V=5.0815(18)nm3,Z=8,M=708.68,Dc=1.852gcm-3,μ =2.875mm-1,F(000)=2880.The final R1 and wR2 are 0.0636 and 0.1523 for 4264 [I >2.0σ (I)] unique reflections and 0.1178 and 0.1651 for all 4364 reflections,respectively.In the title complex, the anion [Y(NTA)2(H2O)]3- has a nine-coordination structure with distorted monocapped square antiprism. Each group acts as a tetradentate ligand with three O atoms and one N atom and a H2O molecule caps a quadrilateral face as a ligand.It can be known that the Y(III) ion can form a high-coordinate compound with aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands because it has a larger ionic radius (0.104nm). : In this paper we describe the molecular and crystal structures of the K3 [Y (NTA) 2 (H2O)] 6H2O (H3NTA = nitrilotriacetic acid). The crystal data are as follows: monoclinic system, C2 / c space group, a = 1.5268 (3) nm, b = 1.2833 (3) nm, c = 2.6079 (5) nm, β = 96.03 (3) °, V = 5.0815 (18) nm3, Z = 8, M = 708.68, Dc = 1.852 respectively, and gf-gcm-3, μ = 2.875 mm-1, F (000) = 2880. The final R1 and wR2 are 0.0636 and 0.1523 for 4264 [I> 2.0σ (I)] unique reflections and 0.1178 and 0.1651 for all 4364 reflections, . The title complex, the anion [Y (NTA) 2 (H2O)] 3- has a nine-coordination structure with distorted monocapped square antiprism. Each group acts as a tetradentate ligand with three O atoms and one N atom and a H2O molecule caps a quadrilateral face as a ligand. It can be known that the Y (III) ion can form a high-coordinate compound with aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands because it has a larger ionic radius (0.104 nm).
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