Advertising innovation in short video Advertising innovation in short video

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【Abstract】With the rapid popularization of mobile intelligent terminals,we have entered the new media era.In this context,short videos based on mobile terminals came into being.The development of new media,enriched the advertising content,innovative forms of advertising,And short video as a product of the development of new media,The role of advertising is becoming more and more obvious.

【Key words】New media、Short video、Advertisement、New trend、Innovate

1、The concept of short video

Short video is a term defined by length of time.Its "short" is compared with "long",the duration is generally more than 5 seconds and less than 5 minutes.Its content structure is generally based on humorous trends,hot spots and creativity.①It can enable the audience to obtain the key elements of information in a short time,thus,it is more conducive to the dissemination of video.

2、Advertising effect on short video platform

In the context of mobile internet,short video has emerged as a new means of communication,and the combination of the two has opened up a new path for the dissemination of advertisements.②In the context of mobile internet,short video has emerged as a new means of communication,and the combination of the two has opened up a new path for the dissemination of advertisements.As a product of mobile internet,short video advertising has a wide audience,and has the characteristics of strong interaction and low cost. This emerging mode of communication is increasingly becoming the preferred and first choice for advertising.Short video is short in form,concise in content and highly interactive with the audience.On some social platforms,such as the platform of shaking,the account of short video has many fans,and the content of the release has higher attention. There is no doubt that their fans have a high degree of concern for the content of the advertisement in tiktok.In addition,it can be subdivided according to the audience at different levels. For example,within the audience group,targeted advertising and publicity can be carried out according to the different needs of the audience according to gender,age,occupation,region and education level,which has good advertising effect and high publicity efficiency.

3、Problems in advertising communication on short video platform

The rise of short video platform also brings new forms of advertising. There is a lack of innovation and serious homogenization in the advertising of short video platform. The author tiktok finds that most of the tiktok users are considered to be less innovative and homogenized. In order to "catch up with the fashion",many businesses only want to spread quickly when making advertising publicity,do not pay attention to innovation in advertising production,and directly copy the hot advertising videos of other advertisers on major platforms. As a result,the short videos produced are different from the advertising commodities and actors,and the actors' dress,expression and background music,As like as two peas,the contents of almost all the short videos are almost the same. Coupled with algorithm recommendation,similar videos are continuously recommended to the same user,resulting in user aesthetic fatigue and wasting advertising resources.

【摘 要】近年来我国的土木工程领域紧随时代发展趋势不断地进行着与时俱进的创新发展和变革,针对这个行业的教育教学活动的开展也结合行业发展实际情况不断地做出优化调整。最为关键的一项变动就是对OBE理念的融合教学,土木工程行业的人才选拔主要就是通过这种专业认证制度来实施的。这样的做法不仅能带动整个行业的进步和发展,也刺激了教育活动的变革。本篇文章将针对这一点作出简要分析以供参考。【关键词】专业认证;土木工程;材料课程建设;教学改革研究土木工程行业近年来在我国的各项扶持政策下得到了飞跃性的发展,也就难免会遇到一些
【摘 要】当前社会的形式日趋复杂,国内企业不断崛起,促进了国家经济水平的发展。企业之间的竞争显著加剧,若想要在市场之中立足,需要从多方面进行改革,提高对应人才的各方面素质。在这种复杂多变的全新时代背景下,加大人体工程学专业人才的培养力度势在必行。在人才培养过程中,课程思政是非常重要的一个内容,课程思政在人体工程学教学中的践行可以激发学生的兴趣,为其树立正确的价值观,从而培养他们良好的工匠精神以及职业素养。基于此,本文以宁夏职业技术学院艺术设计学院为例,针对课程思政在人体工程学教学中的渗透策略展开探究,以期
【摘 要】中华优秀传统文化是中国五千年文化历史的结晶,是亿万优秀中华儿女在大自然的生存斗争中创立并传承下来的。通过结合我校的立德树人应用发展现状及教师在授课过程中的实际应用心得感悟,我深知德育人应不断学习、不断探索、不断创新、共同努力,才能积极开展德育教研科研工作,百尺竿头更进一步,才能让立德树人的经验智慧传播出去,让学生们学习并应用于今后的工作和生活中。【关键词】中国传统文化;立德树人;文化建设中华民族历史悠久,既保存了完整的传统文化,又积淀了大量的历史宝贵经验,随着改革开放的深入发展,国力的不断增强,
【abstract】China is the first country in the world to use lacquer to make lacquerware,during which the Chinese nation has created a splendid lacquer art history. At the same time,Dunhuang also has a deep cultural heritage,rich in art content,exquisite pain
【摘 要】语言学习对学习环境的要求比较特殊,将学生的学习过程置于特定的语言环境之中,在学生掌握语言学习的基本要素与自学能力的基础之上,引导学生尝试运用所学的语言知识,是语言学科教学的难点,对学生语言应用能力的提升有重要意义。针对大学英语课程,受教学内容、教学理念以及既往教学经验等多种因素的影响,学生的语言运用能力并不理想,“高分低能”等现象较为突出,由此反馈的语言环境构建问题,受到了教育工作者的重视。本文重点围绕大学英语课程中的语言环境构建问题进行分析,在简要论述语言环境的重要性与构建现状的基础之上,就如
【摘 要】随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,人们的思维方式和生活方式皆发生了重大变化,同时也推动了信息技术教育教学的改革。在目前中职计算机专业教学中,根据“互联网+教育”的背景,实现混合式教学模式的教学理念,创设“线上+线下”教学体系,完善教育教学资源内容,已经成为中职计算机专业教育改革的方向。【关键词】互联网;中职教育;计算机课程;教学模式1线上线下混合式教学的概述及优势1.1概述线上线下混合式教学是指将传统的教学过程与互联网信息技术手段融合,教师将课程所需的各项资料以及知识点等上传至信息平台,学生在这一平台内
【摘 要】我国经济在高速发展,人民群众处在物质丰富的时代,人们对物质要求不断的提升,消费能力也在进一步增强,导致人们的消费观念也发生了很大的变化,这种消费观念毫无疑问的也在影响着90 后的青年,尤其目前很多的90后青年已经走上了工作岗位,他们有了一定的经济能力,有了自己可以支配的钱,金钱自由度提高,并且他们也有着合理或不合理的消费观念,本文结合对刚入职的8个90后在职青年进行访谈,从他们的消费能力、消费结构和消费观念三个层面对90后青年的消费现状进行分析,并提出一些建议,引导90后在职青年树立正确的消费观
打开文本图片集 【摘 要】文章主要研究了外界获取的文字图像整个处理过程所使用到的方法和算法,并对完成文字识别操作的各种方法进行了比较。通过双三次插值法完成图像的采集、平均值二值化完成图像的预处理、卷积神经网络和递归神经网络处理并识别文字。并且阐述了各个环节用LABVIEW实现步骤。图像识别是几年来的一个热门技术,对于试听能力下降的老人,如果能利用这类技术极好的便利生活,即实现了高科技助老。【关鍵词】LABVIEW;图像采集;文字识别;神经网络1 图像获取1.1图像采集图像采集
【摘 要】作为英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,莎士比亚是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。在莎士比亚创作的黄金时期诞生了许多优秀的喜剧和历史剧,出刊于1600年的《仲夏夜之梦》便是其中的代表作之一。《仲夏夜之梦》以“梦境”为内容,故事情节幽默诙谐,富有浪漫主义色彩与人文主义关怀。在伊丽莎白时代的社会政治背景下,作品对“梦境”的运用,展现了爱情的双重性和人性的复杂性,也是这部喜剧的魅力所在。【关键词】《仲夏夜之梦》、梦境、莎士比亚一、《仲夏夜之梦》作品概述(一)创作背景作为莎士比亚早期创作的喜剧作品,《仲