Pharmacia and biological functionalities of nutrient broth dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotubes:A

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luwenfei7782
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A new drug delivery system was developed using the interaction of nutrient broth treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes(NBT-MWCNTs) and cefotaxime sodium(CTX) as a model.Investigated factors of the drug delivery system include dispersion effect,biocompatibility of NBT-MWCNTs,pharmacodynamic effect and delivery efficiency in vitro.It was found that MWCNTs can be well dispersed in the nutrient broth and stable at least for one week at 4 °C.The formed NBT-MWCNTs suspension scarcely exhibits toxicity to E.coli at concentrations lower than 10.24 μg/mL,but displays enhanced pharmacodynamic effect of CTX via its bridge effect and targeted transport.Compared with general acid treated MWCNTs(AT-MWCNTs),our present NBT-MWCNTs show good biocompatibility,enhanced pharmacodynamic effect,and high delivery efficiency. A new drug delivery system was developed using the interaction of nutrient broth treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (NBT-MWCNTs) and cefotaxime sodium (CTX) as a model. Investigated factors of the drug delivery system include dispersion effect, biocompatibility of NBT-MWCNTs , pharmacodynamic effect and delivery efficiency in vitro. It was found that MWCNTs can be well dispersed in the nutrient broth and stable at least for one week at 4 ° C. The formed NBT-MWCNTs suspension scarcely exhibits toxicity to E. coli at concentrations lower than 10.24 μg / mL, but displays enhanced pharmacodynamic effect of CTX via its bridge effect and targeted transport. Compared with general acid treated MWCNTs (AT-MWCNTs), our present NBT-MWCNTs show good biocompatibility, enhanced pharmacodynamic effect, and high delivery efficiency .
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