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我国地大物博,河流众多,估计全国共有2,000余条河流,流域面积约占全国总面积80%左右,其中较大的约1600条,航道总长度约10万公里,通航机动船舶的约有32,000公里,水运在国民经济发展过程中日益起着重大的作用。自古以来,人类社会经济文化的发展都是与河流密切相关的。人类在很早的时期就聚居在河流的两岸,在肥沃的土地上耕作,利用河道自然特性,使用简单的工具,进行人类社会经济文化活动。中国的黄河,长江;巴比伦的底格里斯河、幼发拉底河;埃及的尼罗河;印度的恒河和印度河都是古代世界有名的经济文化中心和发源地。这些事实都说明了河流与人类经济文化的关系。随着人类社会的不断进步发展,水路交通也有着相应的发展,而且在其重要意义方面还增加了不 There are a great number of rivers in our country, with an estimated total of more than 2,000 rivers in the country. The drainage area accounts for about 80% of the total area of ​​the country, with a relatively large number of about 1,600, a total length of about 100,000 kilometers, navigable maneuvers about 32,000 kilometers, Water transport plays an increasingly important role in the process of national economic development. Since ancient times, the development of human society, economy and culture are all closely related to rivers. Humans, who had lived on both sides of the river at an early age, plowed their land on fertile land, took advantage of the natural characteristics of the river and used simple tools to carry out economic and cultural activities of humankind. The Yellow River and the Yangtze River in China; the Tigris and the Euphrates in Babylon; the Nile in Egypt; and the Ganges and Indus in India are both famous economic and cultural centers and birthplaces in the ancient world. All these facts illustrate the relationship between the river and human economic culture. With the continuous development of human society, the development of waterway traffic has also been correspondingly developed, and it has also increased in the important sense.
Hierarchical porous patterns have been fabricated on the C face,Si face,and cross section of n-type 6H—SiC crystal via photo-electrochemical etching using HF/C
一、三门峡水库的规划方针问题 1.存在的矛盾三门峡水库要满足防洪、灌溉、发电和改善航运的要求。这对于国民经济的发展是必要的,尤其防洪更是下游两岸几千万人民的迫切要