Composition,Property Characterization and Application of Agricultural and Forest Biomass Carbon

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hastenhe
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We analyzed the compositions and basic properties of agricultural and forest biomass carbon,and used the pot method to study the influence of such element on the remediation of contaminated soils and growth of crops.Results show that agricultural and forest biomass carbon contains various nutrients that are necessary for crop growth,high specific surface area,and pore structure development.Cotton stalk charcoal can reduce bioavailability of Cadmium(Cd) in soil.Under mild Cd pollution,soil treated with cotton stalk charcoal adsorbs Cd at a rapid rate.With increasing extent of Cd pollution,Cd adsorption rate gradually slows down and Cd adsorption amount gradually increases.In soil treated with cotton stalk charcoal,the amount of Cd accumulated in the edible portions and roots of Brassica chinensis significantly decrease.The Cd mass fraction of the edible portions and roots are reduced by 49.43%- 68.29%,64.14%- 77.66% respectively.Appropriately adding carbon cotton stalks increases crop biomass.At a certain range,increasing cotton stalk charcoal also promotes the absorption of major nutrients in Brassica chinensis. We analyzed the compositions and basic properties of agricultural and forest biomass carbon, and used the pot method to study the influence of such element on the remediation of contaminated soils and growth of crops.Results show that agricultural and forest biomass carbon contains various nutrients that are necessary for crop growth, high specific surface area, and pore structure development. Cotton stalk charcoal can reduce bioavailability of Cadmium (Cd) in soil. Undead mild Cd pollution, soil treated with cotton stalk charcoal adsorbs Cd at a rapid rate. With increasing extent of Cd pollution, Cd adsorption rate gradually slows down and Cd deposition increased slowly. In soil treated with cotton stalk charcoal, the amount of Cd accumulated in the edible portions and roots of Brassica chinensis significantly decrease. Cd mass fraction of the edible portions and roots are reduced by 49.43% - 68.29%, 64.14% - 77.66% respectively. Appropriately adding carbon cotton stalks increases crop b iomass.At certain range, increasing cotton stalk charcoal also promotes the absorption of major nutrients in Brassica chinensis.
2月11日 晴  每个人都有自己的秘密,大家说愿望说出来就不会实现了,那秘密也是,说出来就不是秘密了,但是,我还是愿意跟你们一起分享我的秘密。  我的秘密很多很多,有一些大的秘密,还有小的秘密,现在我就来说说我的小秘密吧!  有一天,妈妈买了一条小金鱼,当时我还小,看见金鱼高兴的不得了,妈妈交代我一定要好好照顾小金鱼,我当时在看小金鱼没有听到妈妈的话,妈妈说:“听见没?”我当时太高兴了,不管妈妈刚
2014年8月16日 晴  在刚刚过去的暑假里,我们去了厦门东山岛。我们是坐动车去的,动车行驶了五个多小时才到达了目的地。  我们先去了鼓浪屿游玩,我们是坐大客船去的。在那里我们参观了海洋世界,看到了很多品种的鱼,让我们大开眼界。我最喜欢的是回来的时候坐的快艇,快艇的船不大,开得可快啦!坐在快艇上感受到风很凉快,很刺激,很好玩。  一天后,我们来到了东山岛。我记得上一次来是在去年的暑假,那时候在那