A Study on Chinese and American Cultural Differences

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  【Abstract】Movie, as a form of art, embodying abundant cultural elements, goes beyond pure entertainment and profit and works as an ideal culture vehicle. The culture of a nation can be portrayed vividly in its movie. The Chinese ancient ballad of South-North Dynasty The Ode of Mulan was shot by Walt Disney Company as a cartoon The Mulan, which gained great success in the world. Although the movie was taken from the ancient Chinese story, it was tinted with American culture. Through comparison and analysis of Chinese balladThe Ode of Mulan and the American movie The Mulan, the auther intends to compare the Chinese and American culture from three aspects, tradition and freedom, family-priority and individual priority, and gender discrimination and feminism. Meanwhile, it is hoped that it may arouse their cultural sensitivity and enrich their knowledge of other cultures when people enjoy movies, which would ensure the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
  【Key words】 The Ode of Mulan; The Mulan; differences
  The Ode of Mulan, composed in South-North Dynasty of China , is a story about a young Chinese maiden who joins the army instead of her weakened and lame father in order to fight the invading Huns. Knowing that he will never survive the rigors of war in his state, she decides to disguise herself and join in his place. In 1998 Walt Disney Company made it become the section 36th giant cartoon film “The Mulan”, and won the champion of “American Film List”. The film is the same as the part of The Ode of Mulan — Mulan disguises herself as a man and joins the army. But the difference is that, in the film, Mulan’s ancestors are aware of this and to prevent it, they order a tiny dragon, Mu xu, to be near her in order to force her to abandon her plan. He agrees, but when he meets Mulan, he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead.
  Ⅱ.The Cultural Differences in The Ode Of Mulan and The Mulan
  2.1 Tradition and Freedom
  China is an ancient country with a unique cultural system. “Ancient culture has been a kind of ‘harmony and cooperation’ which runs through the spirit.” (Zhang, 2005:129) It is deeply rooted in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism’s traditional thinking. The entire community has given birth to its own unique set of cultural tradition and system. In this tradition, men and women have a clear division of work in society, "men to farm and women to weave” is such a vivid portrayal of the social characteristics. In the traditional feudal society, the woman must observe role. It is necessary to comply with “the three obediences and four virtues imposed on woman”. In the first sentence of The Ode of Mulan is "Sign and sign, Mulan is weaving cloth facing the door." It draws a woman’s traditional image of Mulan; the first thing of Mulan after she returned from army is " Comb my hair facing to the windows, make up myself in the front of the mirror." And to restore her image of the woman.
  The history of America is only 200 years. There is little feudal shackles of the sense of the people. Early American immigrants from the old continent to the New World, want to shake off European feudal autocratic rule and shackles to seek freedom, create their own happy life. Consequently in its character and the concept, they have characteristics which are opposed to restraints. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families they may lose some freedom of doing somethings. Therefore, Mulan of the movie ignores ethics, she is described as a modern image with a very rebellious heart, paying no attention to her dress, skipping to the bridge in the garden, and even climbing up the wall to look the recruit officers. In the eyes of the Chinese people, that absolutely is not the Hua mulan in the ancient ode, but another American Mulan.
  2.2 Family-priority and Individual-priority
  Chinese culture of Confucian advocates the family in society as a based status. Mencius advocates five ethics, namely monarch and official, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, and friends. Three of the five ethics are in family, an ethic is in the nation, and an ethic is in the community. Therefore, the family group can be regarded as a country’s social foundation. “Loyalty and obedience” are not only the social ethics, but also the family ethics. Person should be loyal to his country completely and obedient to the elder generation. “Propriety and benevolence is the very core of Confucian thought.”(Xu, 2006:35) In Chinese ethical values, “obedience”is the core, is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and “loyalty” can be seen as an expansion and extension of “obedience”.
  America is an individual-based society, American have no a concept of family and “obedience”. This people-centered culture attaches importance to personal personality and dignity, stresses the power of the individual, and the realization of personal self-worth. “The north American culture is individualistic. It is a “can-do” culture values individual freedom and responsibility. In contrast, collectivist cultures emphasize group welfare and harmony.”(Wang, 2001:21). The Mulan in movie stresses the intense personal consciousness and desire of realizing personal worth. The concept of Chinese “loyalty and obedience” and the collective consciousness have been diminished greatly. In addition, whether it is the first time to War with Chan Yu, or rescue emperor from the hands of Chan Yu, the role of individuals of hers is greatly exaggerated, but such an arrangement is an embodiment of American individual heroism .
  2.3 Gender Discrimination and Feminism
  Since ancient times, the concept of hierarchy in China has been deep-rooted. Feudal society stresses that “Subordinates obey superiors” and “The status of man is higher than woman”, which makes the community have not only rank of the rulers and the ruled, the elderly and the younger, but also the hierarchy between men and women. In the whole Chinese feudal society, women as appendages in the community, virtually have no social status, and they are not allowed to participate in male community. Mulan in The Ode of Mulan is not found to be a girl, “Go out to see my companion, they are all surprised: we have been together with Mulan for twelve years, but never knew Mulan is a girl”. She should be seen as a man named Hua Mulan join the army to fight. If she is found on the battlefield to be a woman, she would be expelled from the barracks, or executed because she deceives the monarch.
  In America, “Everyone is equal before God” and the idea of equality is deep-rooted in the minds of the Americans. In other words, that a person’s success does not depend or whether he or she was born in a wealthy family or not, and the person’s gender as well. However, in the 1960s, American feminism movement is vigorous feminist movement. The status of women has greatly improved and the equal rights will have a more profound embodiment. “Male is not an ideal master in society, they can not bring more advantage to society.”(Yi, 2006:38). Feminism thinking in The Mulan, has also been clearly demonstrated. In the first war Mulan injures and she is found to be a girl, she is not only subject to any punishment, but also she plays a leading role in the later war. This is something that Americans affirm the ability of women, it’s inconsistent with China traditional hierarchy. In addition, Mulan kills Chan Yu to save the emperor and the country. The emperor in presence of people of whole city thanks and bows to Mulan, and then the entire city officials, as well as people kneel down to Mulan. That is unaccepted in Chinese traditional society.
  Ⅲ. Conclusion
  Mulan in the film is not a pure expectative of Chinese culture, and also is not pure expectative of American culture. It has become a phenomenor of cross-cultural: in the old and new, East and West, traditional and modern, individualism and collectivism, obedience and the liberation of women, filial devotion and the love of two-way, all relative in the concept are integrated into the "Mulan" in the film. Here, we see the integration of the East and West cultures are forming a global culture. “You are about to embark on an important and challenging communication. Importantly because you now live in an age when all the inhabitants of earth are interconnected.”(Samovar, 2004:2) With the increasing world economy and contacts between the people of various countries, the exchange of the films has developed rapidly. From the cultural comparison of American film The Mulan and the movie source The Ode of Mulan, it can be seen that the film contains a country and the nation of the distinct cultural characteristics. It is certain that people from different cultural backgrounds show cultural differences in communication. Therefore, the understanding of the Sino-US cultural differences, not only helps our cultural exchanges with America, but also helps us to understand and contact with the world, especially Western developed countries. Meanwhile, it is hoped that it may arouse their cultural sensitivity and enrich their knowledge of other cultures when people enjoy movies, which would ensure the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
  [1]Samovar, L
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【摘 要】长期以来,教师和学生都习惯于各学科知识平行不交错的状态。在深化课程改革的大背景下,教师开始尝试打破学科壁垒,整合各科知识,实现知识间融会贯通的同时,提高课堂教学效益,带动学生乐学、活学、实学,提升学生的综合素养。如以当地特色小吃为素材,用统一的主题联结有关数学和科学知识,帮助学生养成数学和科学的思维习惯。  【关键词】学科整合 气糕 统计图表 微生物 关系  科学和数学同属于理科。生活中