山西省人民政府工业厅 山西省人民政府农业厅 山西省合作社联合社 关于除治越冬红铃虫的联合通知

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我省棉区,近年来由于红铃虫普遍为害,以致严重的造成了棉花落蕾、落铃、殭瓣及烂铃等现象,受害的棉花不仅绒色变红、纤维拉力小、品质低劣,造成棉花严重减产,影响棉农收入,同时也影响棉织原料的供应和质量的提高。红铃虫的卵多产在苞叶内部,幼虫孵化后即钻入棉蕾、铃中隐蔽为害,因此单靠在田间用药剂或人工除治收效不大,尤其钻入棉籽内的幼虫更难驱除。据近两年的调查,有百分之八十以上的红铃虫均系随籽棉带入仓库中越冬,次年羽化成蛾,再飞到棉田产卵,孵化幼虫为害棉花。因此在轧花厂、收花站、农场的仓库、车间使用药剂除治是消灭越冬红铃虫,减少来年为害的有效措施。目前各地已开始收花,合作社也要大量收购加工,为了提高今后棉花的单位面积产量和品质,一面要发动棉农在收花、晒花时进行扫除,另一面确定在国营轧花厂、收花站,农场的晒场、仓库、车间等处普遍用药剂除治,各地农业部门、合作社及轧花厂应在各地财委统一领导下,密切配合做好下列工作: In our province cotton area, in recent years, due to the widespread damage of the red bollworm, the phenomenon of cotton falling, falling bells, stiff petals and rotten bolls was seriously caused. The damaged cotton not only turned red in color but also had low fiber tension and poor quality, Resulting in a serious cotton cut, affecting cotton farmers income, but also affect the supply of cotton raw materials and improve quality. The eggs of the red bollworm are prolific in the inner part of the husk. When the larvae hatch, the cotton buds are drilled and hidden in the bell. Therefore, the insecticide alone or in the field can not effectively cure the insects, especially the larva which penetrate into the cottonseed get rid of. According to the survey in the recent two years, more than 80% of the red bollworm are wintering into the warehouse along with the seed cotton, becoming eclosion in the following year and then flying to cotton fields for spawning and larvae infestation. Therefore, the ginning plant, the collection station, the farm’s warehouses, workshops using drugs in addition to governance is to eliminate the overwintering red bollworm, to reduce the next year harmful to the effective measures. At present, all over the country have begun to collect flowers, cooperatives also need a large number of acquisitions and processing, in order to improve the yield and quality of cotton in the future, one side to mobilize cotton farmers in the flowers, sunflower cleaning, the other side to determine the state-owned ginning plants, Stations, farm drying yard, warehouses, workshops and other commonly used drugs in addition to governance, all local agricultural departments, cooperatives and ginning factories should be under the unified leadership of the FC around the close cooperation with the following work:
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将两个人的血液中分离的单个核细胞 (淋巴细胞、单核细胞、树突状细胞 )混和在一起进行培养 ,能呈现出淋巴细胞的增殖反应。这是因为一个机体的T细胞识别另一个机体的细胞表面
棉花害虫是制约我省棉花生产发展的重要因素。近几年来,由于生态环境变得对棉虫更加有利,加上有些地方防治时用药品种单一,防治方法失当,致使害虫抗性种群数量增多, Cotton