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腹部手术后继发低钾血症病情变化突然,常以循环、呼吸系统或消化系统严重症状为突出表现,极易误诊误治,现就我院所遇4例报道如下。1病例摘要例1以阿-斯综合征为突出表现女患,42岁。多发性肝脓肿切开引流术后9天,已进半流食数日。患者先表现厌食、恶心,后突然... Abdominal surgery secondary hypokalemia sudden changes in condition, often to the circulation, respiratory system or serious symptoms of digestive system as a prominent performance, easy to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, are now encountered in our hospital 4 cases are reported below. A case summary of 1 to Aries syndrome as a prominent female patient, 42 years old. Multiple hepatic abscess incision and drainage after 9 days, has entered the semi-liquid food a few days. Patients first anorexia, nausea, after a sudden ...
Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) was irradiated with protons in a ground-based simulation facility to study the effects of proton irradiation on the structural and
A nest-like architectures (ZnO NAs) were prepared onto the conductive glass (ITO) by hydrothermal method.A metal-free porphyrin, tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP), was synthesized via Adler method.Zn ions
Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on the aqueous solutions of poly(vinyl methyl ether)(PVME) at various concentrations. Both radial and spatial
The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcomes of conservative management versus surgical evacuation of retained products of gestation after misopro
植入性胎盘在临床上发生较少 ,但近年来有上升趋势 ,处理不恰当会导致难以控制的大出血 ,危及产妇生命。有效的保守治疗可保全子宫 ,提高病人生活质量。我院1994— 2 0 0 4年
Objective: To report the antenatal detection rate in a consecutive series of l iveborn infants with atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). Design: Review and a