
来源 :国外医学(脑血管疾病分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vbpro
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为调查丹麦城市居民12年期间初发脑卒中的发病率,设计了两次健康体检,中间间隔5年,从卒中发病率的3个重要方面,即发病率的时间变化趋势、年龄和性别作了分析,参试者与非参试者进行对照。研究对象随机选自哥本哈根市一个区的19688名≥20岁的丹麦白人,多数为中年,在1976年3月1日至1978年3月31日作首次体检,1981年4月6日至1983年9月7日间作第2次体检。其中15499人至少进行了1次检查,被确定为参试者,第二次体检验证前5年随访期的新发脑血管病。共随防12年,发现脑卒中848例,657例为参试者,191 To investigate the incidence of stroke in denizens living in Denmark for a period of 12 years, two physical exams were designed at intervals of 5 years. Three important aspects of the incidence of stroke, namely, the time trend of morbidity, age and sex The analysis, participants and non-participants were compared. The subjects were randomly selected from 19,688 Danish whites aged 20 years or older in a district of Copenhagen, most of them middle-aged, from March 1, 1976 to March 31, 1978 for the first physical examination, and from April 6, 1981 to 1983 September 7, 2007 for the second physical examination. Of these, 15,499 were tested at least once, identified as participants, and newer CVDs at the 5-year follow-up period prior to the second physical exam. With a total of 12 years of prevention, 848 cases of stroke were found and 657 cases were tested, 191
标准名称:建通楼汉语拼音: Jiantong Lou地点:东山区东风东路与建设三马路交界处西北角规模:用地面积695平方米总建筑面积2510平方米,楼高9层批准文号:穗地名委[2002]7号批
目的 探讨超声引导下穿刺活检对肝移植后肺部病变的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析因肝移植术后肺部病变行超声引导下穿刺活检的19例患者资料,对超声图像资料、 穿刺取材成功率、
素有“大如鸡蛋脆如梨 ,红似玛瑙甜如蜜”之美称的梨枣 ,产于山西省河津市张吴乡 ,是枣类优良鲜食品种。其特点是果实硕大 ,平均单果重30克以上 ,最重可达60 -80克左右。富含多种维
梨树高接花芽枝既可使高接换种树提早 1年结果 ,又能解决梨园因某些原因导致的花量不足问题。1993年以来 ,我们在杭州市大观山果园试验并推广了此项技术 ,取得良好的效果。 1