
来源 :石油与天然气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c2t2dy20
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随着全球性石油天然气勘探的商业风险性日益增大,烃源岩的商业评价越来越受到重视,但对于高成熟碳酸盐岩一直没有一个很好的评价方法,尤其是气源岩的评价更缺乏手段。从有效气源岩的概念入手,利用岩石等温吸附仪求取岩石最大吸附气量,再利用热模拟分析仪测定岩石的热解气量,热解气量大于岩石最大吸附气量即为有效气源岩,通过大量实验,建立了高成熟碳酸盐岩作为有效气源岩的评价标准,认为产气率等于151/t为碳酸盐岩有效气源岩的下限值,并将该标准应用于塔里木、鄂尔多斯和四川3个含气盆地,验证了该评价方法的可靠性和有效性。 With the increasing commercial risk of global oil and gas exploration, the commercial evaluation of source rocks has drawn more and more attention. However, there is not a good evaluation method for high-mature carbonate rocks, especially for the source rocks Evaluation is more lack of means. Starting from the concept of effective source rock, the maximum adsorbed gas of rock is obtained by using the rock isothermal adsorption instrument, and the pyrolysis gas of the rock is determined by the thermal simulation analyzer. The pyrolysis gas is larger than the maximum adsorbed gas of the rock and is an effective source rock. A large number of experiments have established the evaluation criteria for high mature carbonate rock as an effective gas source rock. The gas production rate is equal to 151 / t, which is the lower limit of effective source rock of carbonate rock. The standard is applied to Tarim, Ordos and Sichuan three gas basins, verify the reliability and effectiveness of the evaluation method.
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