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石油是现代工业的血液,也是重要的战略物资。由于经济迅速发展和能源需求急剧增加,自1993年中国成为成品油净进口国和1996年变为原油净进口国后,中国石油供需缺口不断加大,经济发展和国家安全越来越受能源瓶颈的制约,因此保障石油安全是我国制定经济发展战略的重要内容。目前中国石油进口有一半以上来自中东,其中伊朗是我国在中东的重要进口来源国之一。伊朗拥有丰富的石油资源,是世界上唯一横跨两大丰富油气区域——里海和波斯湾(分别占 Oil is the blood of modern industry, but also an important strategic material. Owing to the rapid economic development and sharp increase in energy demand, China has become a net importer of refined oil and a net importer of crude oil in 1993, increasing the gap between supply and demand of Chinese oil and increasing energy bottlenecks in economic development and national security Therefore, safeguarding oil security is an important part of our country’s strategy of economic development. At present, more than half of China’s oil imports come from the Middle East, of which Iran is one of China’s major importers in the Middle East. Iran has abundant oil resources and is the only one in the world that spans two rich oil and gas regions, the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf
82年下学期,我承担了两个后进班的化学课。怎样才能在这样一个班内获得较理想的教学效果呢?我采取了如下几种做法: In the second semester of the year 82, I took on che
Good morning,comrades and friends!I’m very glad to attend this English speech competition.I think such an activity will help us improve our English conversati
“怎么搞的,这么简单的题都做错了,真笨!”在课堂上,常常见到有的老师这样吹胡子瞪眼地训斥学生。这使我想起小说《红楼梦》中林黛玉循循善诱教香菱学诗的故事。 小说《红楼
本文就渔业工程建设如何适应当前渔业发展的需要谈几点看法。 在渔业工程建设中,一方面,要加大基础设施的建设力度,建设一批中心渔港、良种场、出口养殖基地和出口加工基地
在中学化学教学中,课外活动日显重要,下面仅将自己的一些做法,抛砖引玉,请广大化学老师指教。 In the middle school chemistry teaching, extracurricular activities are