Generation of monoclonal antibodies against n-3 fatty acid desaturase

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterxjtu
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Dear Editor:Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(n-3 PUFAs)are essential fatty acids for normal cellular functions and have been used for prevention and treatment of many diseases,including coronary heart disease,diabetes,and cancers~([1-3]).n-3 PUFAs and n-6 PUFAs have been shown to decrease and increase the severity of several human diseases,respectively~([4]).Unfortunately,mammals have no enzymes to synthesize n-6 and n-3 Dear Editor: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) are essential fatty acids for normal cellular functions and have been used for for prevention and treatment of many diseases, including coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancers ~ ([1-3 ]). n-3 PUFAs and n-6 ​​PUFAs have been shown to decrease and increase the severity of several human diseases, respectively ~ ([4]). Unfortunately, mammals have no enzymes to synthesize n-6 and n-3
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