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我国最近10年糖尿病患者增长两倍多,患者总数已经超过9240万,成为世界第一糖尿病大国。如果糖尿病不能得到有效控制,患者会发生各种并发症,对身体健康危害极大。医学专家指出,糖尿病可引起心脑血管疾病、慢性肾衰竭等严重并发症,糖尿病足甚至还可能造成截肢。而在美国,糖尿病发病率比我国还要高2%,但是美国糖尿病并发症发病率远低于我国,不到0,25%,几乎为零。这到底是怎么回事?原来,美国糖尿病患者在用一套GHC平糖奇膳饮食疗法。美国GHC平糖奇膳饮食疗法,是由美国GHC糖尿病营养膳食中心联合美国糖尿病协会ADA共同研究 In the recent 10 years, the number of diabetics in our country has more than doubled. The total number of patients has exceeded 92.4 million, becoming the world’s No. 1 diabetic country. If diabetes can not be effectively controlled, patients will have a variety of complications, great harm to their health. Medical experts pointed out that diabetes can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, chronic renal failure and other serious complications, diabetic foot may even cause amputation. In the United States, the incidence of diabetes is even 2% higher than our country. However, the incidence of diabetic complications in the United States is much lower than that of our country, with less than 0,25% and almost zero. What the hell is going on? It turned out that American diabetics are using a set of GHC sugar diet therapy. US GHC diet sugar diet therapy, is the United States GHC Diabetes Nutritional Diet Center in conjunction with the American Diabetes Association ADA joint study
Poly(Imino Ketone)(PIK) is a group of novel high performance polymer material with excellent thermal properties and dissolubility. Aiming at the requirements of
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无独有偶,大西洋对岸的欧洲大陆也有一个类似SL的虚拟世界,瑞典公司MindArk开发的Project Entropia (简称PE),自开通以来,已经在全球如火如荼地运营了起来,其客户40%来自欧洲
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