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传感器是将被测物理量(力、位移、速度、加速度、压力、载荷、温度等物理量和化学量,一般为非电量),成比例地转换成另一种物理量(一般为电量)的器件。传感器是现代测控系统中不可缺少的重要元件,传感器技术也是现代科技领域中一门很有发展前途的技术。 目前,传感器已广泛应用于工业测控、宇宙开发、海洋探测、环境保护、资源调查和生物工程等领域,在水土保持科研中,传感器则应用较晚,应用范围也不太广泛本文拟在介绍传感器特点的基础上,谈谈传感器在水土保持科学研究中的应用问题。 A sensor is a device that converts a measured physical quantity (physical, chemical, physical, and chemical) into a physical quantity (typically electricity) in proportion to the measured physical quantity (force, displacement, velocity, acceleration, pressure, load, temperature, etc.) The sensor is an indispensable important element in the modern measurement and control system. The sensor technology is also a very promising technology in the field of modern science and technology. At present, the sensor has been widely used in industrial monitoring and control, the development of the universe, marine exploration, environmental protection, resource investigation and biological engineering and other fields. In the scientific research of soil and water conservation, the sensor is applied later and the application range is not too extensive. On the basis of characteristics, talk about the application of sensors in scientific research of soil and water conservation.
今年我国江淮流域发生严重的洪涝灾害,损失巨大,在国内外引起不小的震动。但许多人不了解新中国成立40年来兴修的水利设施在抗洪中到底发挥了怎样的作用。 对此,水利部部长
We develop a pair of tapered-tip single fiber optical tweezers, and study its multi-trapping characteristic. The finite difference time domain method is employe
研究了长波8~15μm波段,阻值大于440ΩMCT光导红外探测器,探测率在10kHz,14μm大于4×1010 cm·Hz1/2/W,在1kHz和10kHz中心频率下的噪声测试,中波5~8μm红外光伏型InSb器件,
树突状细胞 (DC)作为目前已知的功能最强的抗原提呈细胞 ,也是抗原特异性免疫应答的始动者 ,可在体内外向T细胞提呈抗原并诱发CTL反应 ,在抗肿瘤免疫中发挥重要作用。近年来