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今年8月27日,在省直机关保持共产党员先进性教育活动总结大会上,年轻的张树壮作为省直机关共产党员的唯一代表在会上作交 On August 27 this year, at a summing-up of educational activities held by the provincial authorities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, the young Zhang Shizhuang, as the only representative of the party members under the provincial government, made his own speech at the meeting
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The structural features of soil in debris flow-triggering region play an important role in the formation and evolution of debris flow. In this paper, a case stu
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on the Xileketehalasu granodiorite porphyry and Kalasayi monodiorite porphyry that intrude middle Devonian Beitashan Formation at the
This is a report of multi-parameter mineral magnetic results of the Sanmenxia loess-pa-leosol couplets in the SE extremity of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) ov
Optical fiber acceleration seismometer as an important instrument can offer high sensitivity, anti-jamming and non-touched advantage which has an extensive appl
Early cretaceous volcanic rocks in the southern segment of the Zhangbaling uplift belt and those along the eastern part of the north Dabie Mountains, the Luzong
周敦颐,号濂溪先生(1017-1073),是宋代著名的大学问家。周敦颐在年轻时,曾出任某县法官,并为一桩错案而与县太爷激辩公堂。 该案被告系一酒徒,因酒醉持刀要挟路人,县太爷枉判
李佃贵 ,男 ,汉族 ,1950年7月生于河北省蔚县 ,中共党员。1973年毕业于河北医科大学中医系。现任河北省职工医学院院长、教授、主任医师、博士研究生导师 ,河北省有突出贡献的中青年专