Growth and Reproduction of Artificially Fed Cnaphalocrocis medinalis

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyn5210
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The growth and reproduction of rice leaffolder,Cnaphalocrocis medinalis,fed on an artificial diet were studied.The results showed that the larvae were able to grow and pupate on the artificial diet.The durations of larvae and pupas of C.medinalis on the artificial diet were 28.1 d and 10.1 d,postponed 4.9 d and 1.7 d respectively,compared with those reared with rice leaves.The number of ovipositions was 41.6 per female,26.2% higher than that fed on rice leaves.Survival rate curve of larvae was a descent function of mortality-age,with no significant differences from the curve of larvae fed on rice leaves.The net reproductive rate (Ro),intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (λ) of the population fed on diet were 17.6928,0.0884 and 1.0924,respectively,and the mean generation time (T) and double time (td) were prolonged 4.9 d and 1.3 d in comparison with the treatment of rice leaves.Population trend index (I) was 3.26,indicating a growing number of the population of C.medinalis fed on artificial diet. The growth and reproduction of rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, fed on an artificial diet were studied. The results showed that the larvae were able to grow to and pupate on the artificial diet. Durations of larvae and pupas of C. medinalis on the artificial diet were 28.1 d and 10.1 d, postponed 4.9 d and 1.7 d respectively, compared with those reared with rice leaves. The number of ovipositions was 41.6 per female, 26.2% higher than that fed on rice leaves. Survival rate curve of larvae was a descent function of mortality-age, with no significant differences from the curve of larvae fed on rice leaves. The net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (λ) of the population fed on diet were 17.6928, 0.0884 and 1.0924, respectively, and the mean generation time (T) and double time (td) were prolonged 4.9 d and 1.3 d in comparison with the treatment of rice leaves. Population trend index (I) was 3.26, indicating a growing number of the population of C .medinalis fed on artificial diet.
国内首家获国际认证奥尔夫教学法系统性进阶培训课程特邀国际奥尔夫教学法大师、中国音乐教育名师大讲堂授课专家Sarah Brooke教授领衔专家团队现场授课主办单位:《中国音乐
患者,男,61岁,农民。因右髋外伤肿痛,X线检查以“右股骨粗隆间骨折”为由入院。查体:T37.1℃,P84次/min,R18次/min,BP16/9.5kPa。经询问,患者既往因患周身疼痛,经医生诊治服安乃近(武汉制药厂,批号970427)和地塞米松(江? Patient,
摘要 肖邦是浪漫主义时期的音乐巨匠,而叙事曲则是其独创的钢琴体裁。为了使个人情感得到更加彻底的抒发,肖邦在题材、技法等多个方面都进行了创新,使作品表现出了民族美、悲情美、戏剧美和创新美等鲜明的美学特征,可谓是钢琴作品宝库中的奇珍。鉴于此,本文从肖邦的叙事曲创作谈起,就其美学特征进行了具体的分析,以期获得更加深刻而本质的认识。  关键词:肖邦 叙事曲 美学特征 研究分析  一 肖邦的叙事曲创作  弗
The Cu2 Zn Sn S4(CZTS) powders are successfully synthesized by using Zn S and Cu2 Sn S3 as raw materials directly without any intermediate phase at 450 °C for