Many-body Interatomic Potentials for Computer Simulation of Physical Processes in Metals and Alloys

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stieyin
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A model of binding forces in metals and alloys, based on the density functional theory and accounted effects of the many-body interactions, was proposed. The developed method can be easily applied for study of metals and alloys by the molecular dynamics simulation. The potentials of interatomic interactions have been found by the proposed method and applied for calculations of equation of state, elastic moduli and phonon dispersion in metals Ni, Al, alloys NiAl and Ni3Al. Results of the calculations are in good agreement with known experimental data both for pure metals and alloys. A model of binding forces in metals and alloys, based on the density functional theory and accounting effects of the many-body interactions, was proposed. The developed method can be easily applied for study of metals and alloys by the molecular dynamics simulation. The potentials of interatomic interactions have been found by the proposed method and applied for calculations of equation of state, elastic moduli and phonon dispersion in metals Ni, Al, alloys NiAl and Ni3Al. Results of the calculations are in good agreement with known experimental data both for pure metals and alloys.
本刊讯6月25日,来自海峡两岸的税务人员、专家学者近80名代表在北京汇聚一堂,参加第2 7次海峡两岸税收学术交流会。国家税务总局副局长王力、中国税务学会会长崔俊慧出席会议
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前列腺癌的发病率在美国居男性恶性肿瘤之首(33%),占男性死亡原因的第2位[1].既往在中国前列腺癌发病率较低,但随着我国经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,饮食构成和生活习惯逐渐西方化,近年来我国前列腺癌的发病率呈现明显的增高趋势.据统计北京地区1985年前列腺癌发病率为2.41/10万,死亡率为1.19/10万;1995年发病率为4.55/10万, 死亡率为2.36/10万[2];近几年前