烟蚜Myzus Persicae种群动态的模糊聚类分析

来源 :河南农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjcamel
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昆虫种群动态的内涵可分为空间、数量和时间这三个范畴。本文应用模糊聚类分析方法研究烟蚜的种群动态。文中以有蚜株率(%)、百株蚜量(头/百株)和聚集度指标(m/m)作为反映烟蚜种群动态特征的三个指标,运用系统论和集合论理论将烟蚜在烟田的消长过程分成5个亚系统,这5个亚系统是:烟苗移栽后的伸根期、伸根后期到旺长期、旺长末期到成熟初期、成熟期、成熟后期,并对这5个亚系所表征的烟蚜种群动态进行了具体分析. The connotation of insect population dynamics can be divided into three categories: space, quantity and time. In this paper, the population dynamics of Myzus persicae were studied by fuzzy clustering analysis. In this paper, the aphid population rate (%), the number of hundred aphids (head / one hundred) and the degree of aggregation index (m / m) as the three indicators to reflect the dynamic characteristics of the population of Myzus persicae, the system theory and set theory, Aphids in the tobacco growth and decline process is divided into five sub-systems, the five sub-systems are: tobacco seedlings after transplanting the rooting period, the late growth to the Mongolian long, Mongol long end to maturity, maturity, maturity, The dynamics of Myzus persicae population characterized by these five subfamilies were analyzed.
至少有十几个年轻姑娘  无论是高的、矮的、胖的、瘦的  这几年陆陆续续  来到我们越来越老旧的单位  像春天嫩绿的植物  她们在单位里嘻嘻哈哈,工作之余排练舞蹈  不时暴发出一阵山涧般清脆  负离子般清新的欢笑  青春的气息雾一样漫延氤氲  哦,姑娘们  这古老的岁月捎给我们的永恒礼物  让我这一天天日益老去的旧人  再也无法漠视  我必须顺从自然命名的眼睛
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于秀林等(1986)再次改进了Iwao m-m模型,更为准确地描述了m-m关系。本文将该模型应用于昆虫种群抽样技术的研究中,推导出一组抽样设计模型。 Yu Xiu-lin et al. (1986) impr
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