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初游无锡马山龙头渚,还是风华正茂的少年。 32年前的6月,我们数十位少年同学,第一次乘船来到偏远闭塞的马山岛嶂西村,参加夏收夏种。一上岛,看到山石砌成的村舍,满山杨梅、桃、苹果、梨等花果,听说春天这里满坡蹊开满桃花。更见古树老藤,阡陌纵横,鸡犬相闻,金黄的麦田,青青的芦苇,以及淳朴热情的村民,使我们恍若闯入桃花源中。日出而作之余,我们18位少男少女,相约清晨攀登寇嶂峰观太湖日出。一日,有几位同学结伴上山打蛇,却意外地惊走了草丛中一只母獐,捕到了一只小獐。我们还怀着探奇寻胜的新奇感远征龙头渚。一路穿行在满山杨梅、蜿蜒曲折的山间小径上,赶了几十里山路,渴了,采梅止渴,沿途,看到山下有农家搭建歇凉的草亭,万绿丛中有村舍。 Wuxi Masanori early lead Nagisa, or prime of the juvenile. 32 years ago in June, dozens of our young students, the first boat came to the remote occlusion Masan Island Qiaoxi Village, to participate in summer harvest summer species. One on the island, saw the cottage made of rocks, mountains, bayberry, peach, apple, pear and other fruit, I heard full of Peach Hill full of peach blossom here. More to see old trees and old vine, criss-cross terraced fields, cocks and dogs smell the golden wheat fields, green reeds, as well as honest and enthusiastic villagers, reminding us of scenes into the Peach Blossom Spring. In addition to the sunrise, we 18 boys and girls, similar to the early morning climb Kou Jifeng view of Taihu Lake sunrise. On the 1st, a few students went to the mountains and went snake together, but unexpectedly scared off a mare in the grass and caught a small roe deer. We also expedition to the leading Nagisa with the novelty of exploring the wonders. Walking all the way in the mountains of Yangmei, twists and turns of the mountain trails, catch up with dozens of miles of mountains, thirsty, plum thirst quencher, along the way, see the mountain farmhouse to build cool grass pavilion, Wanlv Cong Cottages.
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