Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Lot-streaming Flowshop with Total Flowtime Minimization

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hua6952
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Unlike a traditional flowshop problem where a job is assumed to be indivisible, in the lot-streaming flowshop problem, a job is allowed to overlap its operations between successive machines by splitting it into a number of smaller sub-lots and moving the completed portion of the sub-lots to downstream machine. In this way, the production is accelerated. This paper presents a discrete artificial bee colony (DABC) algorithm for a lot-streaming flowshop scheduling problem with total flowtime criterion. Unlike the basic ABC algorithm, the proposed DABC algorithm represents a solution as a discrete job permutation. An efficient initialization scheme based on the extended Nawaz-Enscore-Ham heuristic is utilized to produce an initial population with a certain level of quality and diversity. Employed and onlooker bees generate new solutions in their neighborhood, whereas scout bees generate new solutions by performing insert operator and swap operator to the best solution found so far. Moreover, a simple but effective local search is embedded in the algorithm to enhance local exploitation capability. A comparative experiment is carried out with the existing discrete particle swarm optimization, hybrid genetic algorithm, threshold accepting, simulated annealing and ant colony optimization algorithms based on a total of 160 randomly generated instances. The experimental results show that the proposed DABC algorithm is quite effective for the lot-streaming flowshop with total flowtime criterion in terms of searching quality, robustness and effectiveness. This research provides the references to the optimization research on lot-streaming flowshop. Unlike a traditional flowshop problem where a job is assumed to be indivisible, in the lot-streaming flowshop problem, a job is allowed to overlap its operations between successive machines by splitting it into a number of smaller sub-lots and moving the completed portion of of the sub-lots to downstream machine. In this way, the production is accelerated. This paper presents a discrete artificial bee colony (DABC) algorithm for a lot-streaming flowshop scheduling problem with total flowtime criterion. DABC algorithm represents a solution as a discrete job permutation. An efficient initialization scheme based on the extended Nawaz-Enscore-Ham heuristic is utilized to produce an initial population with a certain level of quality and diversity. Employed and onlooker bees generate new solutions in their neighborhood, versus scout bees generate new solutions by performing insert operator and swap operator to the best solution found so far. Moreove r, a simple but effective local search is embedded in the algorithm to enhance local exploitation capability. A comparative experiment is carried out with the existing discrete particle swarm optimization, hybrid genetic algorithm, threshold accepting, simulated annealing and ant colony optimization algorithms based on a total of 160 randomly generated instances. The experimental results show that the proposed DABC algorithm is quite effective for the lot-streaming flowshop with total flowtime criterion in terms of terms of quality, robustness and effectiveness. This research provides the references to the optimization research on lot -streaming flowshop.
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暑假里的一天下午,爸爸教我骑自行车。  爸爸扶着后座,说:“你先坐上去吧。”我刚一坐上去,车头就左摇右晃。爸爸说:“双脚用力踩踏板,身体保持平衡,眼睛看前面的路!”我小心地踩着踏板,眼睛盯着前方。不好!快到转弯的地方时,我不知道该怎么办了。爸爸连声说:“车头打向左边!”我想打向左边,可它好像跟我作对一样,硬要往右边跑。眼看快要撞到一棵小树了,我眼睛一闭,只听哐的一声,连人带车摔倒在地上,好疼啊!真